Playing Street Fighter V at launch feels like being at a construction site where the foundation is being poured. The…
Dark Souls’ Anor Londo is known for its terrific atmosphere, and its infuriating archers. This Minecraft build has…
Beware the Batman (the CG show you mentioned) had the potential to be the next Batman: TAS. I saw a couple episodes, really, really great.
That show is a love letter to DC comics. All of it. The silly, the serious, the mundane and the amazing. It knew what it was and embraced it.
Brave and the Bold Aquaman is the best Aquaman.
On Thursday, well-known video game developer Donald Rumsfeld, who also twice served as secretary of defense,…
This mesmerizing GIF should be all you need to read Worth Reading, my weekly roundup of the best games writing…
Just for Men: Takes years off your look.
Vesemir was quite the runway star back in the days...
The Beholder that you run into in Bitterblack - I remember how I fought it. You gotta down this spiral, like the Everfall. But instead of doing that, I sorta followed what the music told me and leapt off the spiral, grabbed onto the Beholder and just started slashing it in the eye. The fight went on for a few minutes…
And DD’s music. I really appreciated that the team didn’t shy away from rad fucking guitar riffs.
Agreed. Dragon’s Dogma is one of my very favorite games due to how totally satisfying it feels at nearly every point in the game, even factoring in how flawed certain aspects of it are.
Can we just get smiling Fahey for recommended games, or Fahey in bear mask gif for bad games? I feel that can’t possibly be misconstrued.
I was familiar with the work of David Bowie from a young age, but I didn’t fall in love with the man and his work…
Narcissa Wright used to be the fastest Zelda: Ocarina of Time player. Her best run was nearly perfect, the stuff of,…
Flowers bloom. Beaches fill with people. Leaves fall from trees. Suddenly, it is Christmas time and another year has…