
Yeah I quit cause all a person did was run around talking about how bad the game was. Like they were/are clueless. Like the joke about life being like Chinese food though you still just wish there was more. That upgrades and classes were interesting and built to a strategic and thoughtful level of play. But the

*Reads “Little Lamplight 2”* Nope. No. Nope. Uh-uh.

Destiny X Berserk. Guts takes on all the bad guys and wins, becomes King of Destiny, then rides off on the Traveller.

You say “at E3” and I think the definition of that has changed. The conferences are only a small part of that now as day long streams actually brought lots of interviews and gameplay demos to fans. While the conferences weren’t the best place to see how games performed the rating really should look at how games looked


The recent Bloodstained kick starter had a similar arrangement but I don’t know if the publisher ever stepped forward. Games are super prohibitive because publishers often don’t want to drop money on what they don’t think will sell. These Kickstarters might be a way of some people on the publishing side convincing

So you think the app and the Stuff they showed off Sunday points to no more skill points?

Evan “Flying Horse” Narcisse

I thought Silent Hill fell apart because of a changing game market and misjudging a variety of things. But sure I like your idea that the developers weren’t Japanese enough.

Caught in a landslide no escape from continue screen.

Still want Claudio Fragasso in Smash Bros Nintendo!

Worst campaign setting ever.

Greatness awaits Harry

Still might be a Prey 2.

Fucking shit up = good.

Yeah it will be interesting to see if people who make the good mobile games choose to stay on those platforms in the future. From what I’ve heard the mobile space isn’t nearly as inviting as it was a few years back when the exodus began.

I think it was Killer Instinct last year at EVO but could be wrong. Need to look it up.

No he was specifically doing it to mess with people.