
The phrase 'purity test' has lost all its meaning. 

Because Trump essentially ran on being a political outsider and not being burdened with the typical political baggage of voting for ‘bad laws’ and such. Now he’s got a record that he will have to live down, and it sucks for the most part.

As mentioned other places, I didn’t. Even as a Bernie delegate, in a purple state I actively worked to do GoTV for Hillary (phone banking... so maybe more sedentary than active).

If Biden loses in 2020, it’s because he is a terrible candidate whom time has rightly left behind. Mindless cheerleaders like you who are afraid to call a turd a turd will be responsible, and I am going to bring it up.

I plan on using this line a lot, so I’m going to give credit initially. Two perfect distillations of Biden that are indisputably true from one Twitter feed:

Jee. Sus. Christ.

I’ll forgive the claims of “purity test” as a reaction based out of Trump fear. It’s understandable.

And therein lies the problem—the hypocrisy of the left. You’ll circle the wagons, protect sexual pervs and creepers, known predators and rapists, even murderers (paging Teddy Kennedy), whilst decrying someone on the other side of the aisle. The absolute lies and slander against Brett Kavanaugh comes immediately to

You completely glossed over every point made ranging from the fact that the act included in the crime bill didn’t make women safer to the fact that POC are disproportionately incarcerated to make your “TL;DR” comment:

None of Diana’s posts are “TL” and if you “DR” for the love of fuck, don’t comment.

I know that bringing up these kinds of things are going to be seen as “attacking” Biden with his media-appointed batshit crazy title of “Only Person Who Can Reach Trump Voters,” but for those of us who lived through Biden in the ‘90s (or even the early 2000's), it cannot be underscored strongly enough how wrong he is

Is this a bit?

It led to pretty universal condemnation.”

I think she burned herself with the ancestry reveal

Warren is still my #1 choice. Out of all of the many Democratic candidates, she’s the one that really has put the most thought into policy, which I adore. I am a bit concerned with her age, but I’d say the same about Bernie or Biden (if he runs). Then again, women live longer than men....

Agreed, they need to hammer the subsidies system and show that employment is not turning into security with the wage/purchasing power employment with out wealth building is going to create a generation that can’t retire or will depend on gov’t assistance. Hammer the idea that the tax plan hasn’t helped middle and

He’s an incumbent sitting on one of the best job markets in a decade or more.

Why would we need Trump to do that? Progressives are doing it for him. I know a lot of people who feel like the DNA test disqualifies her from the presidency, and the liberal media (using that to specifically mean media with a stated liberal viewpoint) let the DNA test serve as as a lead in to a lot of really

If you like this woman, DONATE TO HER CAMPAIGN! Even if she isn’t your top choice or you aren’t “100% sold” on her, DONATE TO HER CAMPAIGN. Regardless of how she does in the primary, her policies are the best ones out there and can be used as a road map by whomever goes up against Trump.

She and Sanders are the only two major candidates who are actually thoroughly progressive. I hope she does well.