
Except she did capitalize on it because she released a cookbook (Called Pow Wow Chow). I had erroneously thought she just assumed she had Indigenous ancestry, which is more forgiving, but then I found out about the cookbook which genuinely shocked me.

I see Indigenous people consistently bring up how Warren’s capitalizing on her nonexistent Native American Ancestry was directly harmful to them. She’s voted for Trump’s Trade bill and wafted on her Medicare for All plan, and her foreign policy plan is messy. These are things that are important to marginalized

Congrats, this is a pretty tone-deaf thing to say. These women represent people like me, but it’s cute that you think this makes them “limited” in understanding issues that are increasingly important to growing demographics in the US, aka on a national level.

Love Roky Erickson. His memory will live on. I’ve been listening to him for years now and the 13th Floor Elevators are the reason I pretty much listen to garage 24/7.

Maybe I’ve gotten the wrong impression, but the great thing about him is that he is one of those artists whose mental illness did not prohibit him from his full creative potential. I feel like the same cannot almost be said for the likes of Wild Man Fischer.

I think Bernie is our best chance. I want it to be Warren but I dunno if she’ll get elected.

Your comments are on point here. Thank you for everything you’ve said. 

Fuck, that last tweet is hilarious lmfao. 

No one said that. YOU’RE saying that.

Same, I am shocked (but not surprised) at the amount of people being all “Okay guys just get on board...”

Bernie has had racist missteps too. Kamala Harris has a racist criminal justice record. Pete Buttigieg has said “All Lives Matter”...the list goes on. Almost every candidate is flawed. I’m voting on policies more than anything else, and Liz and Bernie have the best policies. Also, I’m not white. 

I don’t think that’s fair to Bernie tbh. I actually think Bernie and Liz are our best chance to winning the White House. I hope they both end up running together, it would be incredible.

That’s because they were “barr”-ed from knowing the truth.

The orange one was ALWAYS going to get away with it, though. And don’t take all this celebratory dancing as an implication he’s not guilty (speaking generally here), he’s just happy he’s not being convicted by Mueller, big difference. He would either quietly make the investigation disappear or find ways to

Lmfao, I sure do. Hell, I recently got a letter from Judicial Watch telling me to send them a letter asking to investigate Hillary for Benghazi and her emails. Yep. Still. In the year of our lord 2019. 

They are investigating his estate deals though, especially as a result of this investigation. This is why The Southern District of New York is forced his business to dissolve. Personally I disagree with you that he wasn’t cozy with Putin (I always assumed he was too stupid to collude directly but why else would Putin

Their casual way of dressing up his predatory behavior as just “his needs” speaks more to the industry being complicit because of the monetary benefits his estate provides and less imo, to them admitting to the fact that he too was abused, because the latter would speak more about the industry as a whole and would be

Has Michael himself ever said he was abused sexually by music execs? There’s tons of info out there on how his own father was an abuser, which would screw up Michael enough by itself...

It’s funny you mentioned Paul because I was thinking about him too. Like you said, all of what Jackson has done trumps what he did to Paul by comparison, but it was a great clue into what kind of sketchy person Michael was. I disagree with you a bit that it was “smart”, personally, I thought it was incredibly