Okay but I’m pretty sure Jerry Falwell Jr. had a similar arrangement with his wife, and we saw how that all turned out.
Okay but I’m pretty sure Jerry Falwell Jr. had a similar arrangement with his wife, and we saw how that all turned out.
Exactly! The only influencers I’d care about would be super rich people who don’t need freebies.
I missed this when it originally came out. Thanks to Drew’s Twitter for linking to it!
This is the best Dirt Bag in ages (as much for who’s in it as for who isn’t). Thanks, Joannie.
Alternative name: Tel Afib
I mean, it’s definitly racist to call us Eskimos, so maybe instead you could use what we call ourselves? Inuit, Yupik, Inupiaq, Supiaq? (Also, if you don’t know which group name you should use, then you don’t know which group you’re talking about, and you shouldn’t use us as a joke for an article about cum).
Here to say A) Yes, good. Burnout is real. And B) Thanks for the work you do, Lauren and all the Jez crew... your work makes our work more bearable. Wishing you some nice paid time off and a minimum 10% raise this coming fiscal year!
But just as I prefer tall men who absolutely do not like me..
Oh my fucking god, Drew! I’m so sorry that you went through that and I’m so fucking happy you’re alive! To share I went through something milder than that last year. I had 3-4 episodes where I was shaking badly. One time when I was going to work and it was so bad I couldn’t put the lid on my coffee; a stranger had to…
Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification
“Who here smokes?” he asks. “Come on, raise your hand.”
Subject (and strange choice of target for scorn) aside, this isn’t even an article. There’s no through line, no theory, no point you ever get to. It’s just a collection of quotes from people with no underlying theme to hold it together. What was your conclusion after listening to all these interviews and podcasts?…
I may be mistaken, but I believe these two do a decent amount of charity work. I also greatly appreciate his openness about his struggles/anxiety. This is dumb.
But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus.
I’m at the NBC studio store in New York. It’s maybe 1999? My favorite cousin was a HUGE Friends fan. I barely know Friends myself (I didn’t even own a TV at the time, because of being poor). So I went there to buy her some merch. I chose this giant Friends Central Perk latte mug. Seemed like a fun gift!
I’m leaving the…
This isn’t really a Hollywood one, but interesting enough. I’ll try to do this without doxxing so I won’t include dates.
Lemmy. Green Room, 9:30 Club, DC. September 2009. I was photographing him for an article for some hipster publication. He asked me to sit on his lap, and give him a kiss on the cheek, ON THE MOLE SIDE. I did it. I have photos. It’s only absurd in the sense that it’s fucking completely amazing.
I used to have a job that routinely brought me into contact with celebrities, especially politicians, pundits, and journalists. The funniest was when I went to shake Bob Dole’s hand and he just looked at me and said “Uhh...I’m kind of a lefty, son.” But my favorite was when I told G. Gordon Liddy to go fuck himself.