
Yes, @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus does have a nickname for his penis. It's called The Octagon. He also nicknames his testes. The left one is James Westphal, and the right one is Dr. Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right, and you just might get to meet the whole gang.


"Captain, will you… marry me? Marry us?"

Yeah, it was a pretty lame three-parter. I respect them for trying something new, and it was pretty ballsy for Trek at the time. But making it a two-parter would've worked a lot better.

Here's a great article discussing it in detail… pretty scary stuff. And I thought Trek fans were afraid of change.

Man, that was genius. All is forgiven.

And with perfect hair!

I'm not gonna lie, I've been in need of my own sometimes, @avclub-417e4c757fe6109dc77f3867df9eddea:disqus . It would be a really useful invention.

I was also raised Catholic, and I feel the same way. Catholics get so much shit from the other Christian denominations. I know it harks back to Irish immigrants = Catholic, therefore Catholic = bad. But still, everyone I knew in my upbringing was surprisingly moderate in retrospect. There were no Westboro

Eh, he kinda grew on me, especially in "Fascination". I realized that he's just a socially awkward guy who probably spent his whole adult life in the priesthood and couldn't relate to people. Plus, all the scenes of him hitting on Dax were golden.

Exactly! The episode where (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!) she signs the non-aggression pact with the Dominion showed her actually making a difficult, nuanced decision for the good of her people. Total mindfuck.

Also, edited his comment from "something something" to an actual relevant post! So now MY post is the one that seems random! I call shenanigans, Mr. James!

Seriously, what's up with that?! My uncle is a die-hard TOS and TNG fan, and refused to get into DS9 until many, many years after the fact. It's like the people who were forming a lynch mob because Starbuck was a woman in the new BSG.

She's totally wicked; I love it. I especially love where they went with her in Season 7… a lot of people still don't like it, but I figure it was the only place to go for such an evil character.

My post was a joke… come on, AV Club? Star Trek? Rabidly devout Christians? How does the old saying go… "does not compute"?

That's what I like about DS9… I was also devout back in the day, and am now an atheist. I think a lot of atheists / agnostics don't realize that the majority of religious people actually are trying to do "the right thing", at least according to their beliefs. Even though I do think religion is a terrible thing, I

Conservatives do have senses of humor. It's just that when we laugh at anything, a squad of liberals breaks down our door and chastises us for finding something funny that's theoretically "offensive" to someone, somewhere.

…Go crazy?

I think you're going to get a lot of rabid Christians here on the AV Club's Deep Space Nine review boards that will challenge you on that opinion. Better watch out.

Man, it's like the Federation shows up, and they're trying to teach our kids science, and… they're TAKIN' our JERBS!!!