
Guess what, guys! It's 2015 and they made a Minority Report show. Aaaaand… it sucks.

Wait, you mean working there didn't motivate you to never eat there again?

It sure is.

Now Dave Thomas has become the Kingslayer…

The only amendment that matters to me is the second.

I was totally gonna say Dawes.

Not a fan of punk bands. I'm just saying, people cream themselves talking about The Beatles like they're a life-changing experience. They're just a good band, is all.

Key words: "Around that time".

I'm… not sure I follow your logic.

Why is that even a question? Of course they won't be as big as Dawes.

Every time I see a picture of Lennon, I want to punch him in the face. Too bad he was cremated…

Seriously… I hated The Wallflowers one-hit-wonder bullshit. There was a time in 1998 when you could't turn your radio on without hearing that horrible song.

I'll say it… The Beatles are overrated. Yeah, they're a great band. And yeah, I've probably got thirty or so songs from them on my iPod. But they're not worth the praise that constantly gets heaped upon them fifty years on, and pretty much every single member, minus George, is a colossal douche.

There was a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode just like that. It was awesome.

…[back in this] ho?

Jesus, Mary, and Broseph!

Economy's rough, man. People are doing all sorts of degrading things to get by.

Actually, I bro'd myself.

My water just became hotdog flavored.

= The Catholic Priesthood.