
I did it all for the money. Yeah! The money.

DUH. Voting for candidates that aren't total homophobes is just so… mainstream, you know?

She Shells See Shells… dammit!

"What the fuck is superimposed?"

When she sits around the school district, she sits AROUND the school district!

He dances for thirty pieces of silver!

Well, if this was the 13th century, those Christians would probably have you hanged. That's the thing about Islam: the majority of Muslims today act like the majority of Christians did in the Middle Ages.

It's called… "The Hare Club for Men."

A character is fat?! FLAGGED FOR SPOILERS

I KNEW that Joffrey had been replaced by a Founder!

I thought I was the only one! So this is what it feels like… *sniff* when doves cry…

It just can't be said enough: Holy fuck, how cool is that intro? Not only are there new cities this season, but it seemed like the score is a little more pronounced, too. (I've been watching S1 this whole past week, and it does seem different.)

Fuckin' A… what happened to you, idiotking? You used to be cool. Well, maybe not cool, in reality, you're as nerdy as I am, that's why I like ya.

"Your cheekbones… and 'DAT ASS."


I'mma let her finish… after I'm done Taylor Swifting for the cameras.

I have the number of an excellent divorce lawyer, if you're interested…

That's the kicker… in Season 3, we find out that the Oenomaus we saw die was really a Founder, and the real one is being held prisoner at the Roman camp.

That'd be fucking METAL.

You mean the cops new internal affairs was setting them up the whole time?!