If he's looking for a new campaign manager, I'm game. Another great one would be, "Romney. Saner than Paul, Bachmann, and Santorum, and more attractive than Gingrich!"
If he's looking for a new campaign manager, I'm game. Another great one would be, "Romney. Saner than Paul, Bachmann, and Santorum, and more attractive than Gingrich!"
No, you're right, Bob, women and gays in Iran should probably just learn to live with being beheaded on a regular basis, and Israel should get used to being a radioactive slag-heap. Funny thing is, I'm willing to bet you voted for the guy who invaded Libya.
Oh, and he's totally opposed to federal taxes, but he wants all federal agencies to be local agencies. How do you think local government gets their funding, Ron? It ain't from donations…
The most hilarious thing about the Ron Paul people is how they accuse every single other candidate ever of being in the pocket of "big business" and "the corporations". Which is funny, because Ron Paul wants to privatize everything. So instead of an FDA, there would be 50 FDA's at the state level, all outsourced to…
Fuck it, I'm voting Romney. And I'm 100% with you on Paul… his supporters seem to think the Fed'ral GUBMIT is a bigger threat than Iran.
Don't forget anti-semites!
Not to mention a bizarre, all consuming fear of the TSA.
Hey, if I wanted to watch a show about a bunch of douchebags getting laid and drinking, I'd watch Entourage.
Damn, you guys sure do love your Mad Men! Of course, you're all right, you should really devote your life to watching for seasons of a show before you decide it's not for you. I'm gonna go ahead and put Jersey Shore in my Netflix queue so I can take back all the horrible things I've said about it.
I have a backlog of video games I need to finish. I always resolve to at least finish the single-player campaign if I'm gonna plunk down $60 for the thing, even if it kinda sucks. So far I have to beat Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Red Dead Redemption, and Crysis 2. Just got Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters and Ace…
I too have wanted to give Babylon a run-through after hearing a lot of good things on the Star Trek discussion boards. But the shit isn't on Netflix instant, so, what can you do?
I dropped it after 0 episodes, because a bunch of metrosexual clowns trying to look cool smoking cigarettes and romanticizing one of the most fucked-up eras in American history didn't appeal to me.
The fuck you guys think this is, World 1-2? Get outta 'ere!
He's B(L)ACK!!! Missed you, old buddy!
You were going to make a rape joke, weren't you? Nice save.
Outlander was pretty badass. You know what? Fuck this whole debate, I'm gonna go watch Outlander.
Ay yi yi, es Homer Simpson! Me ha molestado!
You ever… been to a Betazoid wedding?
OH MY GOD THAT GUY'S… arm… just came off…