Yeah, I agree, it was pretty disturbing.
Yeah, I agree, it was pretty disturbing.
Way to breathe, no-breath.
Damar was the shit. Him and Garak are probably my two favorite characters in all of Trek-dom.
SPOILER ALERT: What You Leave Behind is AWESOME.
I just laughed my ass off for thirty straight minutes. Well done, Otter and Root.
My father's bones are buried under the ice… ever since the Great Zamboni Accident of '87.
Yeah, my shit keeps freezing when I scroll over it. Still awesome, though.
When you were in drag, did you feel your brain getting damaged?
Well, it's possible, but we also have to consider Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.
Nah, I'm hoping he dies alone.
You can call him Ray, or you can call him Jay, or you can call him That Guy Who Fucked Kim Kardashian.
Hey, has anyone knocked her up and abandoned her ass yet? I'd like to volunteer my services.
Token! Stop giving Tyler Perry money!
TNR, I will agree that the situation in Syria requires foreign military intervention, but by resorting to "Malkovich", we would only further destabilize the region.
Fuckin' a. At least Threshold wasn't racially patronizing… except against newts.
Agreed… both on the Dominion wiping out their hippie asses and Eddington being the only good one. I recently re-watched DS9, and Eddington goes from a loyal-but-jaded Starfleet Officer to a self-righteous freedom fighter to a bitter, burned out shell of a man waiting for death. In short, he had more character…
Yeah, what the heck, PH? I liked Endgame, but What You Leave Behind was awesome. Bashir finally fucking Dax, 500 million Cardassians getting killed, Garak shooting Weyoun in the chest, and Sisko versus Dukat in a Jedi battle? What's not to love? Well, maybe the last thing, but still.
Fassbender was amazing. Bacon and McAvoy were decent. Everyone else sucked so, so bad. I agree with Jeebus Jones, it really should've been X-Men Origins: Magneto.
I am 26 years old doctor.