Hmm… Lady Gaga versus Lil' Wayne.
Hmm… Lady Gaga versus Lil' Wayne.
I especially love how Riker is just about to call for help from the Starbase, therefore saving the day, when he forgets everything. All that alcohol has finally caught up to you, Frakes.
Lord's Army? Are those the abortion clinic bombers or the dudes in Uganda?
I disagree, Jimmy. The planet was ceded to end the Federation-Cardassian War, a conflict which spanned decades and cost millions of lives - Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and O'Brien were all veterans. I would say preventing an ongoing war that could cost even more trumps any "but this is our home!" bullshit from the Maquis.
We simply cannot do enough threads on how hot Ro is.
I agree, even as a Voyager apologist. Chakotay never really worked as a freedom fighter to me, he always seemed more like a drum-circle type than Che Guevara. And after the first episode, he essentially became Riker, except that he sucked the Captain's dick even more and disagreed with the Captain even less.
Spider-Barclay died on the way back to his home planet.
And then he was all, "This franchise is going to get slightly better, then worse, then really worse, then really really worse (Michael Fassbender excluded)."
Hey, he said there was candy. This guy seems legit.
Why should I see a movie where the protagonist doesn't even have a soul?
No Scotchtoberfest?! Ya USED me, Skinner, ya USED ME!
The President of Bulgaria is a duck! Or it's a dog! Whatever, fuck you!
He went from being the President in the Fifth Element to playing a Klingon who gets shot in the chest on Star Trek: Enterprise. If anything, that would convince me that there's no god.
The GI Bill is not government assistance, it's something you earn by serving in the military. And YOU pay into it.
Get busy livin', or get busy fryin'.
Ha ha, Marge, look at this country! "You Are Gay".
I get it! Because they're blind!
Dammit, the comment was removed! What did the dude say? I gots to know, man!
Re-watched it recently… Keaton was great, but I never realized that the dude is in, like, 25% of the movie. Everyone else is really bland.