Dear god, now that's commitment. Well played.
Dear god, now that's commitment. Well played.
Yeah, definitely one of TNG's worst two-parters. As for the pain device, my only theory is that Baran has been First Officer to a different Captain who they mutinied against and tossed out an airlock. He meant to get rid of his pain device, but with all the raiding, there just wasn't time.
I think I just found my new profile picture.
He was only seeing weird shit like mouths and straws at first. He must have figured he was trapped in a holodeck fantasy or something, and decided to just go nuts, as there wouldn't be any consequences.
Oh yeah, I'd eat Troi.
The best part is Gates McFadden sucking the booze directly out of Frakes' head.
I am here with you.
I thought you were talking about William Hurt.
But where will we get our porn?
I've got lawyer blood, bro.
Tyler Durden (to Gus): Actually, you're fucking Marla.
Ted's dead, baby. Ted's dead.
Also, Walter Jr. is there, and he has a goatee that looks like it's glued-on pubes.
Simple. Caesar leads the Legio III Gemina into Rome, and then declares himself Dictator for Life.
For a split second when Gus picked up the chair at the end, I thought he was going to bash it over Hector's head. I bet he was tempted, too. But leaving him an incontinent old man apparently suffering from Locked-In Syndrome is a much better revenge.
Throw in a Nobel Prize, a Pulitzer, and a Grammy for the crossover hit, "Where's my money (bitch)" by J. Pinkman and the Methtones.
They're pulling a "Deathly Hallows". The last five minutes of Gus and Walt's final epic confrontation will be drawn out into 18 45-minute episodes. And then it cuts to 19 years later where Jesse is preparing to send his son to meth school, and he married the mexican chick, but she's all gross now.
I'm not gonna lie, I totally shit myself.
When you this episode eat it?
Ted Beneke's having trouble picking up his vertebrae off the ground.