spacecat in space

This comment tho. The pence part

*chuckle* I initially did the same thing,but quickly realized...nah.

P.S. Since I have to constantly admonish young (and old) white strangers to call me Ms., let’s shake the shackles and consciously stop referring to white women as LADIES. They’re just women.

OMG, how did Michael Harriot not come up with this catch-all?!?! White supremacist feminist female putter of raisins in potato salads = KuKluxKaren!

When White Ladies Act Like They Want That Action, Give It to Them

I just stole this from the twitter thread:

You GOTTA see this—-different White lady came back on the Ku Klux Karen:

Thank you for being on the case of my case! 

The word belongs to Kimberlé Crenshaw, actually.

“This was an inevitable outcome of intersectionality. Thing is, they have a surprise coming. White women aren’t going to cower to white guilt. We just see another woman dissing us and we’ll fight back.”

She’s a conservative. She’d probably love to sacrifice her vote to fuck over “the uppity women”.

I have to assume kombucha is the ONLY drink they serve in hell.  

*deep breath*

To her I say:

Keep that same energy when your spot gets taken because you wanted to cut your nose off to spite your fake feminist face.

White men hate y’all. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t be coming up on less than a century of being able to vote and earn a wage.

Continue to punch down. That winning strategy got us Donald

This was an inevitable outcome of intersectionality. Thing is, they have a surprise coming. White women aren’t going to cower to white guilt. We just see another woman dissing us and we’ll fight back.

Guy with British Accent and Nikon Camera: “Give me pain. Show me how it is in the GET-TOE. Give me spider hands. More teeth. Can you curl that upper lip more? Can you make it more black?

I spent the evening crying in the shower last night. What’s yr point?

Can you even imagine what the photo shoot for that must’ve been like?

You know how there was talk of Donald Glover playing Spider-Man?  They couldn’t get Donald, but that’s clearly Peter Parker webbing his camera against a building so he can take photos of himself fighting Electro.

Jesus Christ man, I don’t come down to your job and shame you about the manifestations of your mental illness.