spacecat in space

Mountaintop removal infuriates me on such a deep-set, brain-stemmy patriotic level, it terrifies me. Like, I've no idea what I'd do if I met someone who was responsible for it. I might wind up on death row after. Which, I guess, isn't so bad. No rent, free meals. It's probably a lot warmer than the depths of space.


[Trudeau smiles awkwardly, attempts to shift away from bloated cancerous mass currently leading Canada's sofa without being noticed]

That was Andy Zaltzman-pun-run-levels of terrible. Bravo!

One set was animal teeth. All kinds of animals. Iit looks fucking insane.

A shitty Justice League in exchange would be just fine.

That would be so perfect, you know it couldn't possibly happen.

I would probably enjoy BvS a hell of a lot more if I watched a version that had its soundtrack switched with the Amélie soundtrack. Like in that old instant coffee ad, but not liquid excrement.

Well, on behalf of the terminally ill cats (no relation), I thank you for giving them some much-needed affection during their last days.

(That may be my favorite bit they ever did. Possibly because my mom was so dang proud her tiny kitten was laughing so hard at absurdist humor.)

He'll swing a sack of something.

It'd have to be, holding on to their faith in that team after 100+ years of complete lack of miracles.

Put him in one of the privatized prisons that keeps killing its inmates. (With votes.) So he can observe and learn of course.

Considering how he talks about women, I have precisely zero problem turning it around on him, the blubbery sack.

SNUFFLEUPAGUS 2020. Even an imaginary friend of a giant, flightless, talking bird would be an improvement.

God, I wish he were going to be around for one more series. When he's been given the opportunity to shine, he's been so damned brilliant, and he's even handled the mostly absolutely crap writing during his run so well. I love how he can bring recognizable aspects of original series Doctors into his performance, as if

tap tap tap tap

There's a reason why the Doctor is wearing the face of one of the people he rescued from Pompeii (at Donna's urging).

I was so angry with Douglas. He did nearly everything wrong. I don't care how hungover one is, one does not leaves a series of doors open (how the hell are they not automatic? is this the worst biolab in the world? that would explain this idiot working there) in an airlocked biolab or take one's biohazard helmet off