
My move is turn away, listen to it fall in the gutter, grab a beer, go play pinball.

BEST FUCKING BOOK EVER> Depressing as hell too. While we knew about most of the folks mentioned in there, some of their dealing were right up there with something Lucifer himself would enjoy. Should be required reading for all the people who think those billionaires will help them out of their poverty.

Every necon Nazi group is funded by dark money.

Ok like cool and all but 13 dollars for some god damn french toast is fucking criminal.

i dont think those are highlights, i think its some sort of hat.

Naaaa, this gave me a chuckle. We could all use a smart ass and a chuckle :) carry on!

Keep meaning to read that, thanks for the reminder. Also, these billionaire fucks reap more benefits out of our government than most of us do, but they still don’t pay their fucking share. Rich people can get their government to act on their behalf with a phone call. Drives me nuts. Oh, and her mercenary brother Erik

If you keep calling it “Cali,” we will secede.

Excellent idea.

Yep. Totally into confiscatory taxation for all those rich shits in that book...and pretty much all the rest who weren’t.

Depends. If you put a Ford test driver, almost certainly. If you put one of the likely buyers vs one of the typical Micra drivers, I’d bet on the Micra.

Every sport has a corresponding strategy. In baseball, the third baseman plays close to the bag to stop an extra base hot down the line in late innings. Similar strategies in basketball and hockey because offenses play a different, more gamble-friendly game. Not keeping receivers in front of you is how you get the

I need to make sure I have my asthma inhaler handy when that time comes otherwise I’m going to possibly run out of breath from laughing so hard.

I’m closer to HamNo than you but I appreciate this comment . I agree fully that the last two rounds of Democratic presidential administrations have not significantly addressed income disparity. There are a lot of reasons.

It bears repeating: Man, Yngwie Malmsteen was always right in the pocket. Exactly 34 times the number of notes the melody requires.

The point where you make the switch from cocaine to Cialis as your drug of choice for fucking is when you’ve officially gotten old.

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

The Life and Times of the Yale Man

2016: Public Indecency (Probation)
2020: Cocaine Possession (Probation)
2022: Cocaine Possession (Rehab and time serve)
2030: Assault (Stripper drops charges)
2040: Securities Fraud (Civil Settlement)
2048: Money Laundering (Civill Settlement)
2052: Secretary of Treasury

One of the chief goals of the Republican Party is the disenfranchisement of non-whites, with a focus on blacks. They now have the power to make their dreams reality and hold onto power for the foreseeable future.