Anyone who doesn’t pick the RX-7 is wrong! Look at that lovely shape.
Anyone who doesn’t pick the RX-7 is wrong! Look at that lovely shape.
Can’t someone please explain why India needs a submarine? They Should have spent the money on a proper sewage system.
And some men will have their lives irrevocably ruined by unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct.
First they came for the Rotary, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Rotard.
Similar to the other JDM 90s icons the FD is significantly faster with a just a new ECU + map (no boost psi change). They also get very very loud with a straight pipe, with the bonus flame braps. On a good engine you will dyno around 285 to the rear wheels vs about 220 from factory..... and with minor bolt ons and 3-4…
He didn’t fire her. He offered her another position because her current position wasn’t of value. She declined it. It says so right there in the article. Did you read it?
None. But 301 horsepower at 3,241 pounds is close...
Where did you see it’s only going to weigh 3000 lbs.? I’m worried it’s going to be more.
you must be really popular there with your shining example of open-mindedness
Car Bros is a gift from the automotive gods. I can only hope that their increase in videos lately (2 in 1 month!) means that they’re going to focus more on their channel. Subscribe people! They deserve your lulz
Just what we need, more people distracted by screens in a car.
Palm plant to forehead — jeez, not more of this shit! One more time: we don’t need ignorant writers spitting their Trump Derangement Syndrome at us when we came here to read about cars. Just stop!!
They also lead the nation in insurance payouts, due to their amazing driving.
As a rule I find it best to make sure there are no typos when commenting on others’ intelligence.
The problem is that his entire argument for a new ride is because how much safety for his family means to him. No responsible and safety conscious Dad would driver their family around in tires like those.
You know what I really hate doing: washing dishes. Which is why after every diner, I just smash the dirty dishes and buy new ones.
My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.
Fake News! David Tracy is being paid off by big automatic. Sad.
Sorry but a sports car (or “drivers” car) should have a manual. I know they need to offer an automatic for sales, but it should still have a manual for the people who don’t make excuses.
Don’t even bother bringing a sports car to market if its just got stupid paddles that let the uncoordinated and incompetent pretend they can drive. Yea, I said it. And so did Lamborghini’s marketing guy. Paddles are for people who can’t drive.