
It’s cool that you found a way to blame the West for the unbelievable depravity being visited upon the Rohingya. I’m sure the West is also somehow to blame for how China treats Uighurs, the treatment of Muslims in parts of India, etc. Next time I see, for example, a photo of the corpses of a Rohingya mother and her

Them sausage fingers to fat to keep on scrolling?

Too much work to just scroll on by, you lazy fuck?

Being a sane conservative is pretty difficult at this point actually, because of how loaded the term “conservative” is nowadays. I’m conservative in that I believe in personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, and minimal government intrusion. I’m not religious or against any group of people. I’m fine with

He gets knocked down,

I feel like this is bullshit to be honest. Since Obama took office for the first time the democrats have lost more seats than ever before. The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, and governorships.....because the Russians have been

V6 Coupes are testing at around 5.6 to 5.8, the RX7 (if maintained) is hitting 4.9-5.2 seconds and handles far better and is a future classic. I see your point though, family haulers now are nearly as quick as performance cars from the 90s.

I agree. This is the one scandal that is going to bring the whole administration down.

This might be the dumbest post I have ever seen on this family of blogs in 10 years. Didn’t even notice it was a “Fusion” cross-post until the end. Even IF it’s’s terrible

Rafi Schwartz, be proud. Your reports are so valuable to the world. You are really changing things. This is not worthless garbage at all. This is some of the most unbiased well research news stories I have ever come across. A real worthy contribution.

Wow, you’ve actually managed to write something that will make any sane person take Donald Trump’s side. I really didn’t know that was even possible. Congrats!

stick to sports

I don’t like Mr. Tangorine man, but gives a shit? When most of us were younger air bags were not yet a thing, most probably rode on their parents laps or in the middle of the front bench seat possibly even with the floor mounter shifter positioned to properly go right through your chest in a fender bender.

“ the front seat of their luxury car.”

Are you really reaching this hard to find clicks these days?

Damn, your article is getting killed here.

This is not a good article.

Y’all write some pretty pathetic articles...But this one takes the cake.

Yawn...I thought I was going to get a story on his driving skills...not some fluff BS article about child safety restrictions. I know a lot of people hate the man, a lot, but the lengths to which some of these stories go to put him in a negative light are really getting really petty, and downright ridiculous. I can’t