
She seems like a real winner. I bet those kids have a perfectly healthy upbringing.

Winner winner, chicken dinner. Seriously, this screams: I’m moving into politics and I need some practice gladhanding the poors before I start kissing babies.

26B, the best engine ever designed OF ALL TIME. Felix wankel was an unappreciated genius! *bangs half pint of milk*

Not the point. All the computer gadgetry that is being employed seems to me to eliminate much of what makes drag racing exciting - the human factor where when the driver does all the right things at the right time, a spectacular run is made. It seems to me that we’ve reached the point where the only variable left in


I’m pretty sure my Elise is on my girlfriend’s list.

There is a difference between ‘firing AT’ and ‘firing towards’, and even then, the missile was never supposed to go in that direction so they didn’t even fire it ‘towards’ the US, but rather it malfunctioned and ‘headed towards’ the US.

This casual journalism bullshit isn’t funny or cool or whatever it is you’re trying to convey to rope in young readers. Especially if your still going to sensationalize the report. The Biritsh Navy had an unarmed ICBM malfunction. That’s it. To say it was heading to the United States is laughably false.

To everbody who feels the need to comment on every post about this series with some shit about how stupid the movies are and how horrible it is that people like them:


These email leaks came from Russia.....

and every time a lefty gets pulled kicking and screaming from their safe space, they blame “trumpets”, racists, misogynists, and uneducated people for the fact that their own party tanked the election and someone put it all out there in the interwebs for the world to read.. ...

This whole “hacking” story is very light on actual facts. Exactly how did Russia hack the election? There has been zero credible evidence presented, merely speculation.

Advantage is that they are very compact and lightweight and they can make a bunch of power.

And 2016 has officially cemented its status as the worst year.

Yep, that’s usually how these videos go.

I wouldn’t excuse the driver, either. He’s a dick. They’re both dicks. Everyone’s a dick.