
Yeah except for the fact a 13B is nowhere near as large or heavy as a 2.6L piston engine. I hear this stupid displacement equivalence argument all the time and it frankly doesn’t matter; rotary engines are TINY.

haha look at that dumb auto box shifter posing as a manual.

just watch... F&F #8 is going to feature them dropping cars from a satellite in orbit or something with a heat shield for re-entry. Every movie since 5 has been “how can we take the absurdity up a notch?”. I also expect Vin diesel to completely lift a car off the ground and throw it at the antagonist like the

“Jimmy down the way died trying double clutching and killed himself?” LOL spit my coffee already! damn you. But yeah I agree with you

Da fuq? Do you not see the difference between having your name changed by your great grandfather, likely due to immigration (Americanization of names happened to almost ALL immigrants in the 19th century) and changing it yourself? There is no hypocrisy at all here.

i live in Austin and you’re pretty much correct, the people that made this list are basically judging how “blue” a city is. Chicago is #2? Detroit is even on the list? WHAT? “How similiar is this city to New York”, or “How many likes can I get if I post I am visiting this city on my social media feed”. Gawker and its

The main audience who reads this website has no idea how to drive a manual transmission let alone know that cars can be fun. Of course you’re going to get the typical libtard echo chamber of “bla bla car payments+ depreciation+ environment” typing from a Manhattan studio they can barely afford / paid for by their

I almost feel sorry for you people. New York is #1.. LOL. Predictable, but lol. A status symbol covered in freezing filth and crumbling infrastructure that leaves you with a small apartment and empty wallet. I hope the social media bragging rights are worth it? I don’t even like San Francisco but how is there any

For me personally if Mazda does not make a new rotary I am going to buy a 3rd gen RX-7 to accompany my RX-8, and I know at least a few people who don’t really care about Mazda’s other cars. I’m not saying Mazda isn’t a spectacular company, they’re by far my favorite automaker and their whole range is fun to drive. But

Good.. GOOD!!!... let all that R&D money fund the Skyactiv-R... you can do it Mazda.... Remember your heritage! Stay loyal to your fans who will buy a RX-(*) no matter what and not fake internet commenters who will cross shop a Mazdaspeed to a jillion other lame cars and /maybe/ buy it (but not really) like they did

Rotary enthusiast my ass, your membership of the church of wankel is hereby revoked

“It’s ah... Speeeeed Siiiiaaaxxx - You can... Suck my diiiiiiack” - Roman

I’m in Texas. Bike does get hot in bad traffic but hasn’t been a problem. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in 100 degree heat though, I can imagine that’s probably where it could get ugly. My stalling issue was related to the cylinder/fuel injection, not cooling. But hey, you’re in california and you can lane split I

I got a KTM 390 duke as my first bike 6 months ago and like it a lot. I know thats just 1 person’s anecdotal but I want to say if it had less power I might be bored of it already. It was my main concern with the nice 300s that are out now, I think the Duke has that extra bit of oomph that makes it both a fun commuter

You’re speaking from the perspective that the Skyactiv-D doesn’t exist, when it does - it’s not here in the US because of who knows why? VW scandal? Profitability? IDK, but they made it, and they’re rolling around in other countries. Bad example IMO.

“The next RX may very well be a range extending EV”

Earlier models 2004-2005 are prone to failure. Uncared for engines (babied and not oiled) are prone to failure. Auto transmissions are prone to failure simply because high revs = get gunk out (see babied above).

From what I understand about the hydrogen RX-8s they made in Japan, they lost a lot of power when they ran on it (I think almost half?). Most of the good information about the current state of modern rotary engine development is being actively discussed on RX enthusiast forums - I would wager the real big thing Mazda

Couldn’t tell ya, Google might :)

Rotaries can run on hydrogen but to address your main point, they continue because they are small for the power they make allowing a true FMR layout for balance and rev high... Power is at the top with these engines and begs you to drive it like you stole it. Plus they sound awesome. TL;DR = smiles per gallon