Yes, it’s a thing
Yes, it’s a thing
I know the patent filing is recent, but this has been known for a long while.
I tend to agree with you, it’s probably not worse than that. But I would argue your logic (if you’re defending it) is not sound. The problem is that these center touch screen consoles add danger over their previous analog incarnations. It would be concrete logic if 100 percent of all drivers used their center consoles…
You’re absolutely right. It’s alarming that our car journalist friends who are actual enthusiasts don’t take a more vocal stance on this.
The last thing we need is middle aged technofiles fiddling to adjust the radio or navigation while driving. If Jalops take a stand against texting while driving we should take a stand against touch screens replacing analog dials, especially center mounted. It’s dangerous design for the sake of being trendy
Interior is the worst part IMO, touch screens replacing analog dials is not only bad design but dangerous. I do really like that Tesla is embracing no-grille design as they should have done from the start.
Sadly I only have a tiny single car garage. One of my main goals is to eventually get a house with big 3 car garage. Although as a younger professional the idea of entering the real estate market seems like The Pit of Despair. One day I hope!
I’ll care about this car when it has 3 pedals
breh, how do u NOT like 2 fast 2 furious. If only for the intro sequence.
Yep exactly right dude. I crashed last November, had all gear *except* was wearing normal jeans, of course my legs were in the most pain by far. Armored pants always now, lesson learned.
It’s sad to me that the franchise has evolved from tuner cars to GI joe stuff. My favorite movies in order would be 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 4. I much preferred the cheesy dialogue and stop light racing to over the top action movie with some military vehicles and FAMILY sprinkled about. I’ll still see it but I yearn for the…
Nooooo Mazda don't do it!!!!
Texas hate on a kinja blog? So edgy yo!!!!
Well yeah I said people get autos for status (and/or) comfort and you would be falling into that comfort over fun category when it comes to cars. I build my own PC’s too, it's a good skill to have.
I don’t think the people buying automatics are doing it because they’re faster, more like they place value on status and comfort, not fun. I find the auto drivers who do actually “value” (brag) about faster times compared to stick version(eg: corvette owners) do it as a very obviously disingenuous way to cover up…
I'm a car guy and firefly is my firefly! But yeah I agree
I don’t care if everything else turns into a digital number, the tach must stay round with the needle.
I know you just did a Japanese sports car, but something *ahem* wankel powered would be rad.
I am a new rider, got my license last month and had a crash just 2 weekends ago. Even after taking the MSF course, like the door knob idiot I am, I went off a curve into a ditch filled with rocks because I hit the *textbook* gravel mid-turn that I didn’t see on a road that I had never been on. I was probably going…