
news outlets spouting false information for propaganda purposes?

Studebaker and dodge trucks sent to the soviet union in WWII probably had a larger impact in the history of warfare more than any other vehicle that comes to mind.

This car looks awesome. The styling feels like a non trashy version of a Lambo. Real transmission is amazing too, I don't care about the "you don't need a stick" / "auto drivers have feelings too" crowd that seems to have flooded Jalop. Traction control isn't really a bad thing though, as long as it doesn't interfere

Even if there were no people he's still a total dumbass. It's not awesome at all. "Isn't it totally wicked when you have the mental fortitude of a 12 year old!?!?!" No, it's not.

I bought a 2009 RX8 with just about 20,000 miles with options which would have put it well over $30K new off the lot (leather interior & all that jazz) and got it for under 20K, basically because it was lightly used and car owners are scared to death of rotary reliability.

I lol @ these pro NATO commenters too. Didn't realize the kool aid was that strong these days. It's not like I have a thing for Russia or Putin, but really, the majority of commenters here are horrible at being subjective.

Oh please. Military false flag operations aren't real. My TV told me so!

Is this article meant to be satire? I hope it is.

Just another reason to never move to Australia. Giant spiders, and probably the worst government of the "western" world.

Write travel guide for Xbox One exclusive game to win Xbox One!

You just compared the Corsair to a 1941 model FW-190. I'm done here.

Now this is a real fighter. Not that F4U garbage.

I'm not making wild pronouncements, man. The Ki-84 was tested postwar on US grade high octane fuel to be faster than virtually all allied piston engined fighters at most altitudes. It was significantly more maneuverable with a vastly tighter turn rate and faster aileron roll. Armament was generally similar or superior

Obviously you didn't mention the wildcat which is why I corrected you. You tried to correct me by saying "They were ill trained since the shitty F4U shot down the good ones" when the reality is the F4F shot down the "good" ones. Reading comprehension 10/10. Surmising a Japanese army fighter was superior to the Corsair

I'm making an educated guess based off the lack of readily available Ki-84s and FW-190Ds available to pilot after the war ended. You're going off on a tirade trying to spin the argument and just missing the point entirely. The F4U wasn't good. Sorry.

Again, F4F, not F4U. The Wildcat is not a Corsair. The Ki-84 in comparison is *not* a late war design. The F8F and F7F never saw combat in WWII? Alert alert, Warthunder expert spotted! Go read a book, moron.

Wow, a military journalist agrees with you. I seriously, seriously doubt Jeffrey Ethell ever flew a Ki-84 or FW-190D in his life. Several combat aces who flew those planes also thought they were the best of their day. Quotes from an aviation "expert" are about as useful as a dog turd when we have historically

I'm not dinging it for anything, you're just twisting my words to create a strawman argument. My point is, and has always been, machine to machine, it wasn't as good as a Ki-84 among other things. That's it. I was explaining its high kill record was a result of pilot skill, outnumbering, logistics, radar assisted

Actually, the shitty F4F shot down most of the "good ones" by Midway. If you think the F4U was responsible for equalizing the Japanese airforce, you're frankly an idiot. That honor goes to the Wildcat, AAA gunners, and no carriers left to land on after a sortie. And the Wildcat was indeed pretty shitty. Their pilots

The Ta-152 was not really mass produced, so it's not worth mentioning. There are plenty of 50-off designs that blow the F4U out of the water, so to speak.

It's also worth mentioning that the vast majority of Japanese top aces regarded the F6F as a much more dangerous opponent and regarded the F4U as easy prey (and not