
Obviously I knew I'd be stepping on some toes in the 'Murica circle jerk, but really, using kill figures of the pacific theatre air to air combat really shows you don't have any understanding of the conversation at hand for various reasons. Japanese pilots were extremely ill-trained compared to their American

The Corsair wasn't all really that impressive of a WWII piston engined fighter design. It wasn't maneuverable and wasn't exceedingly fast for its time. Rugged, could dive, and carry a large payload, sure. That basically fits the description of most WWII era American fighters. Many late war German, and some Japanese

Discovering the actual reliability of rotary engine cars definitely changed my mind, or at least opened it. My ears have been talked off to death by the naysayers, doom and gloom stories, "engine will break at 50k guaranteed", etc. They're actually very reliable if you do a simple oil level checks once every so often

Yeah, because spending more on our military than the next seven countries combined makes a whole lot of sense. Better watch out for dem terrorists comin to getcha buzz.

If I ever had the dough to buy a supercar, it would be the GT3. Being a rotary masochist I don't think the rawness would bother me so much. I was almost glad to read how raw this car actually is, as it only serves to reinforce my desire for one in the future.

Also, the prototype car is absolutely hideous. Who looks at the old NSX, and then that *thing*, and thinks it's a step forward?

I'd much rather see a new NSX priced around 60K with a nice 300-400 HP engine and strong focus on being a driver's enthusiast car. An actual manual would be great too. Better yet if I can actually feel the road. These PP-measuring contests of who's faster 0-60 is just stupid. Let the people who want to chuck an

My 14 year old self would like this a lot.

Cool vid, my first car was a 1988 635csi so I can definitely associate with the sentiment that older BMWs felt more 'right' (driven many modern models since, they all feel heavy and removed from the road). I do feel that you can get the same camaraderie effect from strangers driving most enthusiast cars though, and

hello 270 mph helicopter with countermeasures for heat seeking missiles. meet 2K12 kub. have nice day comrade

I actually like the Veyron alot... If I had a truckload of money I'd probably buy one. *preps 4 incoming pitchforks* Yes I'm a horrible human being.

Nice list! I'm not generally a fan of Mercedes designs but the AMG-GT looks awesome.