I live in a polite part of the country and am older, and even I get creeps following me for a block or hollering at me. When I walk around with even one guy, it doesn't happen.
I live in a polite part of the country and am older, and even I get creeps following me for a block or hollering at me. When I walk around with even one guy, it doesn't happen.
They've caught guys fucking bicycles, knotholes and dogs in public. Really don't think it's the hugest compliment to be told that a guy is willing to put his dick in you.
Me too. I love seeing all the people hovering around the edges, and when the guy gets violent, you can tell they were waiting in case they had to intervene.
Also... can Gawker media make sure to include links to sites where we can donate on any article involving ebola?
Folks, if you really want to help, donate to MSF (Doctors Without Borders), or one of the other organizations already on the ground and doing good work.
This is actually a decent idea, unlike the original purpose of anonymously rating guys who don't even know this app exists so they can opt out. Guys have some weird misconceptions about girls and sex, so I honestly just see this as a positive thing.
Yeah, I actually thought the Gawker "Here is a picture of Rene Zellweger" article was a joke, like when Deadspin posted a picture with a totally wrong caption to mess with people.
Why can't womens' magazines be more like this? (Except with abs and butts and dicks)
I have a short torso and these dresses are the best.
I had no idea what these were before, but apparently this is every single dress that I own.
I was seriously worried for a bit while I read your comment history to see why I had somehow pissed you off, and then I remembered my own joke : D
Really well put. I am struggling with the exact same rage and fear that you are and it helps to hear someone else articulate it.
I thought those sirens and flashing lights were a sign that I should keep doing 90 on a highway!
I immediately thought of a few people I know who creep me the fuck out. Not respecting personal boundaries is such a red flag.
It's also common for officials or employees who are under investigation to be given paid time off or to step down while results are pending.
I know every time someone tells me to stop what I'm doing, I'm assuming they're just expressing their pleasure at my actions.
Oh yeah, him too. Again, I like all these authors a lot, but when you just see a huge list of tortured dudes on a guy's reading list, you just know what he's going to be like,
If I see that a guy loves only Hemingway, Kerouac, Bukowski, Burroughs and other manly authors on their profile, it's almost always a huge red flag for me. They're all great authors, but man, put some diversity into that shit to break up the tortured male angst
Every single guy I've been with has informed me of their imminent orgasm. One, it's hot, and two, it's common courtesy during a blowjob so the giver can decide if they want to stop, change it up, or just get ready for it. I'd actually be pretty irritated if a guy didn't warn me during a blowjob.
I think those scenes are hot. I just wish they spent more camera time on the guy receiving.