It's a local band. Nevermind!
It's a local band. Nevermind!
ALSO — "tacocat"?! You must be from Seattle.
I'm so used to hearing guys talk shit about women's sports that I was really pleasantly surprised to see how many of the male soccer fans I know follow the US womens soccer team. And yes, one of the reasons I hear cited is that we are more likely to win (and play a better game, comparatively).
I do that now. I hate being touched, but especially when something emotionally intense is happening.
You're right. I never understood how people could make excuses for these asshole NFL players, but I never realized that I had that same blind spot when it came to a sport I actually care about, soccer. Thanks for writing this article.
Hope Solo is a pretty big deal in women's soccer. And among soccer fans I know, the USA women's soccer team is a pretty big deal because we always do well.
Sure, try Jezebel, Feministing, Feministe, Bitch Magazine or Finally Feminist 101. I bet you that you could do a search for "sex" and not find that viewpoint in the comments. It's just not at all a widely held belief among feminists.
Made that comment to GamerDad, unless you've also been calling for feminists to apologize.
Yeah, that's what I can't get over. Her videos are not that extreme at ALL and mostly point out overused tropes.
Yeah, her videos are so mild. People make way more inflammatory feminist videos about movies, books and other media, and fans of those media manage to avoid losing their fucking minds over it.
The comment section for any article about Sarkeesian will be full of angry people yellling about how horrible she is. I guarantee you can go to any mainstream feminist site and see plenty of articles about how great sex is with the comments completely empty of anyone saying that all penetrative sex is rape.
But the gaming community has definitely reacted very strongly to her, it's not just this bomb threat. I have seen (in this comment section, even) tons of self-identified gamers get disproportionately mad over the things she says.
I'm a feminist and we're not a monolithic group. What do you think I need to apologize for?
It's not just this threat though. The gaming community has blown up over these videos. Witness all the comments on any article related to her. Why are gamers so mad about this? Her videos aren't that inflammatory at all.
I'm a female gamer. I'm curious, how does she set back progress of women in the game industry. Her videos are incredibly mild and merely point out examples of lazy writing and reliance on tropes that all happen to involve women. What is the problem?
I've been a longtime LH fan and I really, really appreciate that you care about this topic.
Yeah, clunky is a good way to put it. Just really contrived and awkward.
I love that you showed up when you were summoned
Yeah, stay in my room with all my books and not have to do chores? Okay!
I like using 2 dollar words too, but in moderation and when they make sense. It just comes off as some elaborate pose.