
Yeah, me too. I internalized that all girl things were inferior and weak and therefore avoided them like the plague. I wish I hadn't been so adamant about pushing away things I might have liked in an attempt to avoid the social stigma that came along with associating with them.

I have many male relatives and friends whom I love and respect dearly. But very, very few of them care or think about women's issues at all and I find it extremely frustrating. There are always the exceptions, but again, it's very rare.

I'm all in favor of So Ovary It's idea, but just curious — if your mom wants you to write her name a certain way, why not let her decide how she's referred to? I mean, my grandma and mom refer to themselves as Mrs. Guy-I-married's-first-and-last-name, which I think is weird and identity-erasing, but if that's how

In terms of physical violence, I'm with you, I draw the line there.

Damn, I wish I'd thought to do this to dispense a little karmic justice.

By all the time, I mean that we think that a women's attractiveness is always relevant. It's pretty rare to see an unattractive woman in ads, media, or movies, but we routinely see a range of attractiveness in men. Or how any story about a woman will inevitably produce commentary on how attractive she is, even if

I know what you mean. It's really hard to watch, and from personal experience, I don't think you can do anything besides be extremely supportive. I think it can be really easy to slip into being judgmental which seems like it makes the victim less likely to come to you when they really need help.

Yeah, I hear you. I get why it happens but it's really hard to watch it happening.

Really? I mean, there's the whole argument that most spouse/ex-spouse murders happen when the battered partner tries to leave.

The argument isn't that objectifying women is always bad — sometimes it's completely fine and wanted. The argument is that it's bad to only treat women like sex objects, especially in situations where it's not relevant, like if she's running for president.

I had an awful experience a while ago and I was screaming constantly for help. I even saw someone and begged them to help me and they kept walking. So thank you very much for doing this.

Ah, that was one of the exact situations I was thinking of when mentioning that white women have a different relationship to racism against black men. The idea that they're (or "we're" — I'm Asian and I think Asian women have similar issues) more vulnerable to black men is a big motivator for some racist bullshit

Nah, I'm pretty flat, so it's easy to find bras without underwire. No pretty bras though.

Genuinely confused as to how this relates to white women though? I'm not white if that helps you take my question seriously and not as defensiveness.

I wasn't allowed to wear underwire bras growing up for this reason.

I like little girls shows. I grew up on them and still watch a few. I don't think they inherently suck, even if the creator of MLP thinks they do.

Well, he plays the lovable dumb guy character, and I have a hard time finding that hot.

Something about a misplaced sense of entitlement and the awareness that it's vanishing does strange and dark things to the young, white male brain.

Hey, don't you think you're playing into the same stereotypes that I'm talking about?

Is it seriously worse than the other shit you find on the internet? I'll grant you that bronies could be that awful, but I feel like any predominantly male and white group on the internet is going to be awful.