
Oh god, I just got that there was something to get after reading your comment.

By conservative standards, yes.

Yeah. My Dad never even tried to get custody, but I bet he could have. Still wish he had tried.

Absolutely. I have friends the same way, when you'll look at a photo of them, or hear another friend talk about them, and you'll realize "Oh yeah, he's really attractive".

Definitely. I spent a while chasing after guys purely because I thought they were hot, and man, did I ever go on some awkward dates.

Why do guys always have the best eyelashes!? It is not fair at all.

I think someone else said this, but I almost never compliment men on their appearance, because they invariably assume I am coming onto them. Like you said, I blame our culture, because I'm always astounded by how many guys I know who don't think they're physically attractive.

Yeah, same here. I'm really complimentary to guys I think are hot, but I'm not getting many in return.

Special K is seriously my favorite cereal. I was only allowed bran cereal as a kid.

I'm a short woman and I find it very hot when I can look a man in the eyes. I love dating short guys.

This is fucking obvious. When people say "sex sells", they mean "pictures of naked women sell to straight men." So showing women imagery intended to titillate straight men is not going to work.

I've lost patience with this, even if the movie/book/whatever is about deconstructing or undermining the trope.

This completely reminds me of Donald Glover's awesome crazy boyfriend standup routine.

Ha, I had the same reaction while reading, then I saw the puppy.

Yep, the older I get, the more men seem very serious and marriage-minded.

Here, here.

Some people are unattractive. Their personality is bland, their appearance isn't great, they lack social skills, whatever. I've seen it a lot.

I spent a while wading into MRA subreddits and message boards and engaging male friends in conversation.

It is depressingly common to see otherwise thoughtful, smart and considerate men get completely defensive when it comes to gender issues. I've seen it so many times that sadly, I don't dismiss liberal men as friends when they say that because then I'd never hang out with guys at all.

Some white people, or anyone who benefits from the system, don't want to talk about it. From their standpoint, everything is perfectly fair the way it is. The only time they have to think about racism is when minorities bring it up, so they imagine it wouldn't exist if it weren't for minorities playing the so-called