It's my favorite, too. (I just got back from seeing it!) Part of me logically understands the inherent flaws in the story, but I don't care. I still love it. Every version of it.
It's my favorite, too. (I just got back from seeing it!) Part of me logically understands the inherent flaws in the story, but I don't care. I still love it. Every version of it.
The last time I went to South Carolina, I made my mother drive because I just could not handle the stupidity.
A few days before Christmas this past year, I had an accident at work - we went through severe turbulence, and I got thrown off my jumpseat onto the floor of the plane. I was pretty much okay, just sore and bruised, but it definitely shook me up. I worked another four days after the incident, and then was off for…
Here's a freebie to file under "Stupid Customer Questions": I once had a passenger stop me and my other crewmember in the middle of our beverage service to ask us what our ice was made out of.
You will always be able to see a flight attendant song and dance routine on my flights, provided you are able to hide in the corner and spy on me making drinks in the galley. Depending on the length of the flight, it can get pretty epic.
The "problem" the system would have with the Eric Garner video was that it was coming from a bystander, not the officers' superiors/department itself. (Not defending the issues around the dismissal of the video, but I'm sure that's the argument that would/did come up in the legal system.)
This is not really a single behavior, just embarrassing, but Chicago's Midway Airport now has enough security footage of me singing and dancing along to One Direction to make an actual music video. I've also made a few interstate truck drivers pretty amused doing the same thing.
The only times I actually cook food is to take to work. At home, all bets are off. Old box of cookies? Sounds like a great meal to me!
The Lexington NBC station (the closest major city) did a legit story on the APB and interviewed some kids in the area; it was adorable. Or at least as far as I could tell in between my tears over the freezing rain that's coming tomorrow.
I'm in Lexington; a friend came over to dig out my car yesterday, but I didn't leave my place until this afternoon and the entire time I was running errands I was stressed out that someone would steal my spot. This stupid storm is no joke; I feel like a wimp for complaining (I work out of Chicago every week), but…
I have good associations with my super-conservative religious upbringing, but as I get older and learn more and expand my horizons, the more I can look back with a critical eye and understand what was good and what was potentially harmful. My sister is the same, and we like to laugh about some of the ridiculous things…
Happy Super Styles Sunday!
I know this is ages late in internet years, but as a former AirTran (now Southwest) employee, it was so heartwarming to scroll down the page and see my big little a. I had some great and not-so-great memories with the company, but in this industry you have to merge to survive, and Southwest is (and will be) better for…
Probably Los Angeles. If someone were to suffer a fatal heart attack in the air, the death certificate is filed in the city/county in which the plane landed.
I sobbed all the way through this book, so basically I'm going to have to pick the emptiest showtime I possibly can so I don't freak everyone out with my breakdown.
That is exactly their infuriating approach to security: protect the large metal machines, give two shits about the people actually flying on them.
The key to flexible flying with a checked back is the phrase "voluntarily separate." It won't work 100% of the time, but it's what the agent usually wants to hear.
Moderating arguments about reclining seats (or...anything, really) is like trying to herd cats and coordinate a group of five-year-olds at the same time. We can't make anyone do anything that isn't covered by FAA regulations, and if passengers ask us to ask another passenger to do/not do something they don't like, it…
I had a passenger pee in the airsick bag, because we told him he couldn't get up while we were taxiing after landing.
She's almost definitely had work done, but whatever she did/whoever did it had a lot better end result than Courteney Cox.