Space Madness

Pam is presented as a crazy cocktease who screams most of the time and insults him when ever she gets the chance. When he attempts to rape her she leaves for the moment but gets into a relationship with him the next day. You may know people like that, but in three years that’s the only kind of mom presented on Louie.

White gunman in San Francisco was taken alive last month after shooting a cop, running, and refusing to drop his weapon. Who wants to bet this guy is taken alive too?

Of course this flies in face of the fact that every single mother on Louie is insane, weepy, and completely useless. And they all need Louie to bail them out. Never’s mom, Pamala, Blueberries, Louie’s own sister, that woman who cries over the fish tank. Single moms are crazy!!!!!!

How is wanting to see no particular penis at some point in the future anything like grabbing a someone by the genitals? Different kind of lewd talk, me thinks.

I think if she’s going to go into the wild country and do the service of entertaining people who fundamentally don’t think she deserves half the rights of safety and health that she has she can preach to them for five minutes. Think of it as a fee. I don’t think she should be tossing people who boo, though. That’s a

There are many people, I’m sure, that just go to a big show because it’s the thing to do. Especially in Tampa where there is otherwise shit to do. Plus, let’s face it, Amy has the same view on Mexicans as Trump does.

Heather is truly the best.

I’ve never judged a show based on whether I find the protagonist likeable. But, just for the record, I like Rebecca a lot.

“helped elevate Kotaku in my mind to something I’ve dreamt it could be,”

Why do a huge percentage of American liberals love Bill Maher? He’s as bad as Stern with racism and science denial thrown in. He’s the same kind of guy as Trump down to the haircut except that he’s an atheist and makes fun of Republicans. Every analogy I’ve heard him make to this election has referenced dead hookers

Cecilia, there’s nothing really to be proud of in this interview. Your questions are hostile and you come off as a typical “cool with it” girl. Fan service is degrading and objectifying bullshit that influences how young men treat and feel about women. We’re in an election right now where one candidate, his kids, and

It doesn’t make sense, right? He’s not MY rapist so he’s ok by me.

So you don’t think Bill Clinton being questioned about putting a cigar inside someone was lower? This is just more of the same.

It would be so much better if Bill wasn’t actually a rapist.

Inserted herself? She was born to that creep. I’m sure she’s been molested by him. Jeez.

Typical donut bearded jackass who thinks his job was owed to him. Lindsey Turrentine is doing a better job than him at CNet too, so sour grapes all around right?


I would say you are completely wrong here. Games mean for a crt used the crt’s attributes for some of the effects in the games. They also used it to smooth out blocky graphics and turn blocky dithering into smooth color. To say the display medium wasn’t accounted for at all is ridiculous. The developers would have to

Yes, this is not the same Roger Ebert who claimed to hate all David Lynch movies because they humiliated their actresses. Say what you will about David “He Put His Disease in Me” Lynch. He never had a woman fellate a gun before having her head blown off.

I watched this film recently and I mostly liked it and I did get the narrative the first time around. But there are two things I can’t really forgive it for: helping create the unhinged trans person trope (if not outright inventing it), and sexually violating women with a gun before killing them. Both are just gross.