Space Madness

It was an entertaining show in general. I felt, though, like it was too centered on Aidy while the other characters all just served her. She’s got two black friends that are there just to back her up. I felt like, why can’t this be more of an ensemble show so I can learn about these other cool characters. I really

It’s aparently not ironic at all that people who want to make the point that criticizing Israel isn’t antisemitism think criticizing Omar is anti-Islam. 

Nothing surprising here. I remember when I lived in the south and parents would bring their small children to see a crucifixion re-enactment every Good Friday on the university grounds. It’s was pretty violent, with a Jesus covered in blood. This was before “Passion” came out. I asked why they were bringing their kids

Nothing surprising here. I remember when I lived in the south and parents would bring their small children to see a crucifixion re-enactment every Good Friday on the university grounds. It’s was pretty violent, with a Jesus covered in blood. This was before “Passion” came out. I asked why they were bringing their kids

I only drink Havana Club aged 3 and 6 year. Clear rum is pointless. You can find it while traveling in most countries for $15 a bottle. I never have a problem bringing it into the US in my luggage. 

I once was at a business meeting at a cafe with a woman who wanted to hire me as a contractor. She brought her infant and when he got hungry she whipped it out without hesitation and fed him without a blanket. And I did what I would have done had her titty not been exposed, I looked at her without staring at her

I, personally, would rather see more stories celebrating Asian history than then same old, boring stories of white history played with people of color in the roles.

Christ, is this another “get off my lawn” tirade or what? Young people do things that are new and interesting and fun for them. News at eleven. I wonder what adults were saying about drive throughs and malt shops in the 50's? Young people, enjoy yourselves. Old people, your old stuff still exists. Mind your own

I give a shit about letting you and other’s know that your ideas are complete, regressive, racist bullshit. That’s different from giving you any kind of respect earnest debate.

A mental disorder is writing one essay after another at a person who clearly doesn’t give a shit.

Calling you out as a loser neocon is about as rational a response as is possible. Please, write another essay about how awful I am for not respecting your beliefs, which are akin to flat-earthers and geocentrists.

Sorry, I meant “self important, hilariously pseudo-intellectual White Man”.

I’m not a Zionist by any means. I think Israel is an equal fuck up in the Palestinian situation and the murder of Yitzhak Rabin by an orthodox jew ended the chance any peace for generations. Trump is also an idiot for stoking a fire that’s better left alone. But these folks all over the Arab world are letting that

Yawn. Preach your Neo Conservatism to someone who gives a shit, White Man. You’ll have to go back 15 years to find anyone.

Someone needs to explain age-old concept of “white man’s burden” to you. White guys leisurely discussing the cost in lives of “civilizing” another culture is... problematic to say the least.

This was utterly one of the most dickish, shitbag speeches ever. He denied everything, pimped his achievements, and pointed the finger everywhere else. Good riddance to this asshat.

They didn’t do it in Aladdin, though. That cast is all white. They also cast most of the “good” characters white in Lion King.

Any official word on whether Couric was joking or not when she said he regularly pinched her? Someone’s got to ask her to confirm or deny it at some point.

Ok, cool. Thanks.

No, your stupid was very clear.