Space Emporer Biden

Malcolm Gladwell really skipped over the part about being a sexual predator as a key to success in Outliers.

The president is a rapist and serial predator. I wish media people would more openly talk about it.

I don’t think many white people even know what Lawry’s is

This is affecting my parents in Shasta County. They found out yesterday.

three traveled from Alexandria, LA

Where in the world is Matt Lauer? Apparently committing all sorts of rape.

These kinds of articles are the most amazing unintentional comedy.

She, her friends, the donors, they’ll all rake in piles of money...while the rest of us face an even more depressed job market, economy, and a slide towards that looming economic collapse.

but I was told that “Trump is goading us to impeach him” because he “wants to solidify his base”

it’s a shame the owner is a huge piece of shit, though.

because being wealthy and protecting your wealth comes before all other concerns. if you’re rich enough, you don’t have to give a shit about politics.

What a piece of shit. It’s shocking how blatantly obvious their attempts to prevent minorities from voting are.

They keep setting up Tom to be the fall guy and that would be pretty easy, but with the way Logan threw Kendall right under the bus at the congressional hearing, I think he makes a lot of sense.

it’s pretty funny to watch conservatives openly admit they hold the NBA to a higher standard than themselves or even their president...The right only cares about free speech when it’s a serviceable cudgel against socialism and unfriendly governments

“Don’t tell anybody I told you this. Trump — I use his name — Trump is goading us to impeach him. That’s what he’s doing. Every single day, he’s just like taunting, taunting, taunting...he knows that it would be very divisive in the country, but he doesn’t really care. He just wants to solidify his base.”      Nanc

George Carlin

That is absolutely one of my darker fears. It won’t be civil unrest on the side of Trumpkins; it will be a declaration that the election is invalid. Republicans will coalesce Trump, and then the military will be used in tandem with police and other loyal militant agencies to do the will of the administration.

but Marco Rubio said he says things to rile up the press!

Tom Cruise seems like a litigious person.