this, easily, has to be one of the best shows of the last 10-20 years.
this, easily, has to be one of the best shows of the last 10-20 years.
YES!! Gonna pre-order the shit out of those two books.
now what are we supposed to do?
Jim Spamfeller is a herb.
Jim Spamfeller thinks black licorice is the best candy.
make him throw out the first pitch!
Yu posted that less than an hour after Cut4 posted their Tweet. Yu has definitely been thinking about Verlander’s shade that whole time.
Splinter may have been unjustly killed, but class solidarity is still vastly important even when we talk about sports.
The motivating speech to get the labor force (players) through the gauntlet of the University of Houston’s attempt at capitalism?
Warren...lay[s] out detailed plans to still get ignored by the centrists and take-no-risks-with-a-woman crowd.
no way in hell that Trump listens to Prince.
As soon as I heard about Joshua Brown’s death, my first thought wasn’t of surprise, but resignation. Of course the main witness in a police murder was killed shortly after the trial and the story was absolutely implausible. Who the fuck drives four hours for a drug deal?
time to fire up the ol’ guillotine
Whole Foods does the same thing with their grocery pickers: just hire more people than there will ever be hours for, and you will never get people to organize because there are too many. And with that many people desperate for hours, no one will ever be full time.
some people admit mistakes; other people double-down on their mistakes.
When I looked at it properly up close, I thought it looked like Jesus
Uber capped hours on their drivers in NYC at 10 hours a day, 60 hours in a week. If they didn’t want people doing this full time, they would put caps on all drivers.
Capitalists love to use this idea of a “gig economy” as some kind of freedom for those who are willing to just “work hard.” That idea is a con that pits workers against one another in a never-ending battle to see who is willing to do a job for the least amount of money.
Hey, now! They feel bad now and they’re being ostracized by their high-status circles, isn’t that punishment enough?!