Space Emporer Biden

Can’t wait for these clowns to sell the scraps of SI in a few months after gutting costs, keeping it afloat for a little while to boost perceived value, and sell off whatever is left of its corpse!

“[He] said you’re a Mexican, you don’t need to be here,” Orozco said. “They told me, ‘This paper the judge gave you isn’t valid. He doesn’t know the laws.’”

If there’s anything political leaders can seem to agree on anymore, it’s that the less the rest of us know, the better.

In his statement, however, Volker casts himself as a voice of reason in the chaotic negotiations

it’s almost like high-dollar fundraisers aren’t worth it

What, after all, should be done in the face of a coup?

Yup, it’s a smart play: if Trump wins, they curry favor; Bernie or Warren win, they can just say it was a bunch of BS to please Trump and then seek forgiveness.

searched her patio on their hands and knees

so... when Barron was conceived?

Of course they are going to open an investigation to please our dipshit president. How else are they going to get that sweet, sweet military hardware?

Pete Sessions is my old rep. That guy fucking sucks and is totally worthless. That a scummy fuck like that guy is going for an open seat that is super gerrymandered is not surprising in the least.

this dude definitely rage tweets from the shitter.

that’s what podcasts are for.

that stent is only going to make him stronger. good.

It makes sense that a doctor would be pumped about not having to convince patients to pay for certain procedures/tests, so they can focus on helping people be healthy.

But only Warren and Sanders seem to grasp just how grotesquely stacked the odds are against workers at the moment.

“No one gets to talk about my failson like that, Mr. Trump! Only I can be disappointed in my failson!”

if my grandmother is any indication, the game show network

I don’t see Bret Stephens in any of those videos, though.

people in abusive relationships often have trouble leaving their abusive partners.