
Re. JGL: I kinda love this kid. Resistance is increasingly futile.

Yeah, that is what she said. Which is not the same as "it's racist to hate rap music."

However. This dead horse has been beaten enough. Cheers.

She didn't say people who hate rap are racist. I'll type it for her as she's said it enough already on this thread.

I...wha...damn. Jordan Catalano can sing. My 16-year-old self is jumping around in giddy circles. Oh, hell, so is my 36-year-old self.

Okay, I thought at first you were kidding. You're not. That whole thing about denim? Doesn't ruffle my feathers in the slightest. Also, you're completely ignoring that racism is systemic. Can there be individual expressions of racial bias in all directions? Sure. Does it carry the same weight across societal lines?

One the one hand, I hear you...but on the other, that awful post of hers is all over the internet. Using a platform like Jezebel's to push back at her message seems pretty appropriate, given the way that original post went viral. If Jez were going after her personally, that'd be a different story. As it is, their

She absolutely was—does nobody remember Primary Colors? The 90s were rough on Hillary (or more accurately, the media was rough on her, as was just about everybody else). She got her swagger back in spades once Bill stepped down and she became Senator Clinton in 2001.

Agreed, except for the cropping bit. If I crop someone out of a photo, it's out of respect for the other person's privacy, not because I'm trying to hide an ex.

Absolutely call him out on it. I just finished my dissertation, and if I'd had anyone like your partner in my life during the process (I didn't), s/he would sure as hell be in there, possibly on the dedication page as well.

Not weird at all. Oral sex is much trickier than PIV sex, if you ask me. For me, if it's not working one night, it's not working, and I'd rather know and just cuddle (which is also awesome) than have both of us soldier on and feel all pressured and stressed about it.

If they don't have a registry item under $30, they are jerks. That's all I've got.

If you take AP classes, yeah, it's possible—if, that is, you even go to a high school that offers AP courses in the first place. Mine didn't.

True enough, but I can't imagine the show's hurting for money at this point. If the crowd was supposed to be more racially mixed in the book, it would not have been hard to make that happen and they really should have. Shoot, they could've even made it into a tourist thing.

As a newly minted PhD, I can tell you (and that misinformed POOPHEAD over at UNM) that my dissertation would not have happened without carbs to fuel it. (Welllll, that and mainlining caffeine, but that's another post.) It's a marathon, not a sprint, and I needed all the brian fuel I could get. Often those carbs were