
P is not Peter Griffin? Your list is invalid.

Any thoughts on how they will catch players up who are new to the series? Will a long cutscene at the beginning explaining the events of Shenmue 1 and 2 be sufficient?

You pretty clearly haven't watched Fargo. Do yourself a favour and check it out. Best first season I've seen in ages.

Well, if Stannis loses and the Boltons remain in control, I don't see how Littlefinger profits with or without Sansa in there.

Okay, now I'm 100% on board with you. I hadn't seen that EW interview so I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that everything was still part of Littlefinger's plan, and that things would continue to play out as he planned. That's who Littlefinger IS… he's the one who knows everything and is behind everything.

Edit: Missed your original post. I'm with you now. I believe Littlefinger absolutely knew how bad Ramsay was. I think he went through with it anyway, knowing full well the outcome.

Okay, so just to be clear, we're now not debating whether or not a woman consummating a marriage on her wedding night with a man she doesn't love is rape, we're debating whether Littlefinger's strategy was well thought out a few moves back. Is that right?

They did not "like Hardhome so much they forgot about the rape". As difficult as it is for you to conceive of women who are not outraged, they are not outraged. They saw the consummation of the marriage as an awful thing to happen to her but a perfectly logical continuation of the plot in that it a was necessary part

How was it unearned? Not arguing, I just really want to understand this point, as I see this site and others very upset yet no one I've met in the real world seems to be shocked in the slightest.

I'm sure we do.

I express love through tender, fun, caring, consensual sex with attractive people.

I love how this entire conversation is indignant white people being outraged on behalf of the poor Hawaiians who so desperately need their saving.

FACTS' story just reads weird. It almost comes off like he's bragging about his cheating on first dates. Seems like he just needs to act more like the way he did when he was cheating — and then once he finds a nice girl, not cheat.

Well, there was Escobar: Paradise Lost last year with Del Toro, though they did that bizarre thing where it was all told through the eyes of a white dude dating Pablo's niece or something.

This review isn't bitter enough. It could be far more bitter.

This list did not compare enough of the entrants to 30 Rock.

Sorry, I know you mention them in the intro, but Star Trek and The Twilight Zone should still be #1 and #2, respectively.

Starving artist? Ha. Had absolutely nothing to do with the "young artist powder diet", I'm sure.

Hold your horses, Voltaire.

Good Morning, America.