
It really does, right? It's like each episode for four seasons is better than the one before it, and it doesn't even start off bad.

He does if Alternate Universe Him is a crazy whacked out fan of The Wire.

Ok, cool man.

Good man! If you stick to it I can guarantee you will not regret it. Literally no one gets through the end of S3 of The Wire and stops at any point from then on, and likewise no one who gets through the rest of the show ends up saying it was "Eh, pretty good but not in my top five best ever". Good luck!

Not weird at all. A lot of shows prove they such by the end of S1 (Gotham, from what I've heard), others are still figuring themselves out. I'm not sure I've ever watched any show all the way from the premiere of episode 1 through to the final series episode.
Even Lost I remember missing the first four and then

Fair! But there's also this kind of cool pleasure that comes from watching it for the very first time "live" that can help balance it out.
I'm also a glutton for delay of pleasure and drawing things out so by nature really prefer being forced to wait a week or more at a time.

I could have sworn this topic was "What series are you waiting to dive into until you can do it all at once?" and not "What shows are you too busy to watch right now but are looking forward to seeing once you have more free time?"

Dude. The conversation is about binge-watching vs. watching "live". If you have the time to binge-watch something you have the time to watch currently-airing shows instead. If you don't have the time to watch anything, ever, then why are you even here? Or are we discussing what you're going to watch in your retirement?

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean but laughed anyway.

Seriously, season 4 was short and terrific. Skip The Constant? S5 was definitely scattered and S6 a huge letdown, but if you're gonna stop stop at the end of S4.

People debate the quality of the final season, but The Soprano's music selection is never a debate.

BSG is my favourite show of all time because the characters. S4 was definitely a mess plotwise but I still loved it because I loved everyone on the show.
But then also because mutiny and eyeteeth and Kara Remembers.

Agree with what everyone else is saying. If you give up just watching part of Season 1 you're not seeing the whole picture. You're starting a great book and putting it down partway through Chapter 1 just as it's starting to pull out its great characters. Get at least to the start of S3 and get back to us.

Totally agree with this. You cannot understand what The Wire is doing watching just Season 1.

You are on the precipice man. Stay with it.

And yet while I loved Walter Bishop like no character since, it had maybe what was the biggest non-ending of any show I've ever watched all the way through. I literally can't remember what happened. Oh right. That park. Ugh.

For shows you can already watch legally I see nothing wrong with downloading them.

Start from the beginning again if you do. You'll have no memory of who the hell everyone is.

I think you're in the minority here. Everyone know including me generally thought the casting was just amazingly close to what we'd imagined. Really every character turned out perfectly except ayyyybe Cersei, and only then because in the books Martin keeps talking about how hot she is, and yet somehow Lena Heady if

Right, the reason to invest 70+ hours into watching a show has zero to do with all the great scenes, acting and dialog that happen along the way and only to do with how the last episode turns out.