
Yeah, you will not enjoy binge watching Mad Men. Each episode is one standalone theme and art form, it does have one long story but if you watch more than 1-2 a day you're not going to get the love for it.

Well, and Sam beating Robin Colcourt at chess. And a Screaming Viking with the cucumber slightly bruised. And pretty much everything involving Gary's Old Town Tavern. And… sigh. I miss that show.

Holy Christ. I would watch the FUCK out of Better Call Zombie Roger Sterling.

We'll allow it.

You'll be missing out then. The show shows zero signs of slowdown, it's run by two popular novelists who both understand good writing and already know the end, and after 4.4 seasons I have absolute faith that zero dip in quality is going to happen.
All you're doing is missing out on all the fun of talking about it as

But what about… TRAINS DRAGONS?!

or RipTide!

And yet nothing. Breaking Bad is easy to get into, The Wire less so but pays off more, but by not watching them you're hurting no one except Alternate Universe You who has watched them and is so happy he did.

Archer is another story. Ain't nothing wrong with a couple episodes of Archer after coming home late on a Friday night. Those are actually the best because you watch one just-okay ep and you think "Archer's lost it" and then you give in and watch one more and Babu shows up and everything is right in the world again.

I've actually been binging Arrow to catch up and watch as it airs, because it's fun to watch shows as they air and look forward to getting the next ep. But damn if the process doesn't make things feel like a slog.

See, that's actually impressive. If the show's already off the air, or you're a few seasons behind, then it's pretty tough not to binge to catch up. Totally understandable. What you and your friend are doing with FNL is kinda fun.
Also agree about The Wire. I started watching from the beginning when it was currently

False. TV shows are staggered all year, and there are never more than ten good ones on in the same week. Therefore if you can binge ten episodes in a row of the same show, you can likewise follow ten different shows airing in real time.

I kind of hate this topic. Binge watching is a plague on the land. The absolute best parts of any good tv show are three:

Not you. Just a very awkward actor.

I'm calling shenanigans. Avicii, Calvin Harris, Bastille, Tiësto and David Guetta are all different names for the same 12-year-old assclown messing around with his older brother's 2008 MacBook Pro in a basement in Milwaukee and you will never convince me otherwise.

I think you have it backwards. As usual.


The defence rests.

The only thing less funny than The Simpsons now are people who continue to quote The Simpsons.

Anything to do with me being a judgmental asshole?