
Right, so can they turn Viserion back too?

They still haven't explained how Benjen is undead yet not on the Night's King's side. Clearly somehow the undead can be freed from their rule.

Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Steve Doocy, Roger Ailes, these are all disgusting sellouts of human beings, as there's no possible way that any of them actually believe the bullshit they're paid to spew.

Nice. So happy to keep paying for Spotify. Worth it.

Well Trump's supporters DO stick to him no matter how much he proves himself to not be worth their loyalty — so I guess that says something?

That got a laugh from me.

Points for effort. All of them then deducted for total lack of funny.

Not even a very good propagandist. The survey's just obviously awful.

Not just weird — intentionally awful.

Do NOT use the "Other, please specify" box, dammit - they're just going to use the results for people that said yes or no and KNOW full damn well that intelligent people will not see these things as yes or no answers.

Do NOT use the "Other, please specify" box, dammit. They're just going to use the results for people that said yes or no and KNOW full damn well that intelligent people will not see these things as yes or no answers.



"I hate movies that aren't that bright but take themselves too seriously anyway - the contrast is just overly obvious to everyone and upsets me greatly!" [babble babble pseudo-Jungian babble claptrap babble 'old-timey stuff' *goes off to marvel at the wit of McSweeney's*]

But isn't that the point? The EVIL and IMPRESSIVE villain in the OT didn't show up until Empire and not really in full until RotJ. Ren is the 'bad guy who goes through an emotional journey' and I'm looking forward to his struggle and likely fall to an even deeper place of darkness. Despite killing his own father and

I have never seen a superhero movie as complex or layered as Civil War, period.

You might be confusing things a bit here. Psychopathy does not mean you enjoy the suffering of others, it simply means you can't relate to normal emotions because it takes far more than normal people for you to feel people. The psychopaths who actually go out of their way to hurt people so they can 'feel something'

"Why am I supposed to sit around for seven episodes waiting for a reveal…"

Mostly they were just upvoting a more gentle brand of herpes.