
I'm sorry, Ineda Name. You can breathe now.

Eight years of one of the greatest presidents we've ever had, who got so much done despite a congress that never stopped trying to refuse to move? Right bud. Okay. Back to Fox News with you.

It's because people can believe that Obama is doing a good job being president *despite* the fact that they believe he has to fight way too difficult battles in order to get things done. People can still think there are heroes amidst a broken system.

Disagree. For the most part his supporters know he's a schmuck. They simply don't care because they're willing to forgive *anything* and vote for *anyone* as long as it's not *Washington Insider*. That's all it is.

Wow you're bitter. So shows and books should not… try to make you feel things anymore?

Watched the first two seasons. I found its obvious commentary on the banality of American suburban life and failed attempts to explain the universal need for common marriage goals to be far too pedestrian for my tastes.

Doesn't me joking about how douchetastic you come off when using terms like 'run of the mill' and 'pedestrian' fall deeply into the category of 'addressing the criticism'?

I'm just tired. It's been a tiring week. My vagina will be less put out once I get a good night's sleep someday.

You're really going to continue with the 5-year-oldesque referring to yourself in third person huh? Okay then. Otherwise agree with you on all counts, tbh.

When are we going to find out that Silicon Valley exists in a shared universe with Office Space? When? Ron Livingston would slot amazingly into this show as an outside observer.

GoT is actually killing it right now. And the only bad parts of BSG's four seasons were the slow middle of S3 and convoluted first half of S4, so… yay?

Did I dream that she was a momentary love interest for Richard back in S1 or did that not happen. I think the actress is fine but the show really does give her next to nothing to do.

No way, don't need you to do better. You send plenty profound already, really just want to hear more of the depth of your insights!

I actually always dug the ABC Sunday Night Movie one more:

No way man. I'm truly looking forward to hearing all your groundbreaking social commentary. Literally trembling with anticipation at the non-pedestrianness of your future observations.

The world became a little darker the day Fred Gwynne died. Ya really can't get thar from hare anymore.


How do you even have time to post opinions online when you must have so much of your novel left to write?

If the movie turns out to be about Malkovich and Rodriquez making an annoying movie that no one can see and getting mocked for it while showing it off around the world sponsored by cognac then they're going to feel like winners when really everyone's just a loser.

As opposed to Trump, who's trying to take us to the island where dreams come true. No no, not 'dreams', people. DREAMS.