
Whoa now, haven't heard a good "No, YOU are" variant in ages. You've won this one fair and square.

And you definitely sound like someone who knows funny.

I could learn some tips from you. But I'll take a nap instead and ask you later.

You must not be a huge procrastinator. You consistently put off big projects until the last minute, once in awhile an all nighter is gonna be your reward.

Really sorry as I know I sound like a judgmental asshole, but this whole thing is a little pathetic in its whining about hours awake and pretzel bites. Have you never gotten up at 9am, gone to work or classes all day, then had to study or work all night until dawn, then still didn't get to bed until just after noon?

Yes, I moved here just because of that: it's pretty much exactly like living permanently in the Epcot Center… and pretty much exactly as expensive. ;)

It's London. Someday.

Fair. And I need to keep reminding myself of that difference. In a world where I have no cable and everything comes in streaming or downloaded I often forget that not all shows are created equal.

Okay then. Expectations properly adjusted. Crazy time we live in.

Just out of curiosity, is a B+ for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a B+ against other episodes of Agents of [Acronym], or is it a B+ against all shows? I had to bail out of this after S2E04 and I can't imagine it's gotten good enough to already be better than decent episodes of Game of Thrones, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc.

Like "Nirvana"?

Yeah yeah. Keep repeating yourself. I'm racist I'm pathetic I'm racist, bla bla bla, you add nothing to the conversation but repeating your prior posts. If I respond to your anger I'm "obsessed" but if you come back and respond hours later to a deleted post which you actually took the time to save before it was

No one can be sure, but my guess is they probably deleted it because of all your swearing, insults, complete lack of self control, evidence of zero ability to debate with me based on the words I actually said… and probably most of all because you're clearly absolutely insane in a rather aggressive way and as with all

Racism will never go away. It's a sad truth of who we are that we oversimplify life by applying labels to everything, which inevitably ends up hurting many of the people who get labelled and then judged unfairly. It sucks and while it's gotten better, we still have very far to go.

I've had friends who have gone through some pretty bad times where they've been just generally angry with everyone and everything in the world. Most of them turned it around and got out of it. Worked hard and pulled themselves up to a happier place. Two killed themselves. I really hope you figure it all out, dude, and

Oh, that's awesome, you're totally owning that rage. I'm impressed. I'm now completely sure the harassment was 100% due to you being Arab and 0% to do with you being the bitter, angry, insulting, shouting, really unpleasant person you come off as online. If anything I think you should talk a lot more about all the

You hurt me with your mean words. I'm hurt. I'm considered a perfectly nice chap by most people who know me, but I'm going to go off into my day now feeling the pain you've caused.

Wow. Own that rage man. Feel it. Make it part of you. Everyone loves really angry people, never gets old.

Well that's just stupid. I've been to a lot of cities in this world and seen a lot of shit but have reached only one clear conclusion: Boston is kind of the best.

Dude. Exactly. Also ties into the hipster cliche of "you probably haven't heard of them".