BeaBull Apocalypse

I know it might strange—but hear me out—I actually believe he’ll be coming back before too long.

Fantastic job. Take a break, Driver 8.

As long as you do not get laid off in the next recession and/or have a sizeable emergency fund then you should be fine. The thing about leverage is that it is a two way sword that can cut deep when SHTF.

If he is 20, I would advise him to go straight to college. I would tell him, don’t go back to Rockville and waste another year.

When you delude yourself into believing that pro sports games are patriotic events you make yourself vulnerable to becoming all types of stupid.

That Alec Baldwin tweet throws me off a bit. I know the original that had “Dying” spelled as “Dieing” was deleted. I can only assume a staffer wrote the second by the copious use of commas.

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

The Trefoils I sold as a kid 40 years ago were by far superior to the new recipe, but they’re still pretty dang good.

Trefoils foreveah! My grandmother on my Dad’s side (who is a health nut) would buy Girl Scout  cookies and freeze them. In October she would send them to us. It was always 3-4 boxes minimum. And they weren’t ever freezer burnt!

Trefoils are my second favorite, they’re the ideal tea cookie (British people don’t @ me).

I have the box next to me, taunting me... I can’t deal with this.

That is the strongest statement that I have EVER seen a business put out, especially considering they are a sporting goods store which ties directly into the outdoors culture. This made me tear up. I’m sure they’ve run the numbers and realized just how devastating this statement could be, but they did it anyway. What

I can confirm, Phil Collins is Danny White to Gabriel’s Roger Staubach.

Now you will bring the Peter Gabriel heretics out of the woodwork!

People may not like Phil Collins the 80's singer, but I don’t think people shit on his work with Genesis.  Like him or not, the man is a monster musical talent.  

IDGAF if being a 26 year old from NJ Springsteen fan is a stereotype he rules, Born to Run gives me chills every single time, and he brings it harder live than bands a quarter his age.


NoMo. NoMo.

Rock of Ages came on the radio a few weekends ago while my girlfriend was driving. I wasn’t in the least bothered about putting the window down and turning that shit up, meanwhile singing along with it like an idiot. She wasn’t a big fan, but she forces Ed Sheeran on me, so tit for tat.

U2? YOU GOT OFF LIGHT! Have an un-ironic love for Phil Collins and see how people treat you!