
I can empathize - I'm trying to ease out of a friendship just like this. The problem is mine is also passive aggressive to the max, so I can never be 100% sure she's not mad at me for something. Feels like I'm always walking on eggshells. Good on you for breaking things off.

Too funny - on our first real date, wanting to continue the night, I asked my long-term bf in for tea. To this day, he references it as charming and down-to-earth. At the time, I thought it was lame, but I had to get up early and couldn't drink. I guess tea means different things to different folks. :)

Not alone! I did too, but it was pretty awful. I watched thinking it'd be an extension of my RH guilty pleasure, because it came on after, but was never wowed. Somehow, I don't think they hit the nail on the head with the ensemble. Not quirky enough?

Thank you!! These responses seriously made my day. Gotta keep truckin! I'll make sure to pay the encouragement forward when I no longer need it. :)

Thank you!! These responses seriously made my day. Gotta keep truckin! I'll make sure to pay the encouragement forward when I no longer need it. :)

Thank you!! These responses seriously made my day. Gotta keep truckin! I'll make sure to pay the encouragement forward when I no longer need it. :)

Hi guys. I am studying for the bar exam (first time) and it bites. I haven't really failed in my life, but I'm gripped with terror that I might fail this. Any advice or commiseration would be much appreciated.

I totally agree. I would love to see this in the US, like, NOW.

My mother has this talent, and I was just complimenting her on it last night. After years of cooking for myself, I am still honing the skill. It's not always easy to see possibility in scraps!

This looks amazing! Is it in NYC only? If so, I intend to replicate the concept on the West Coast.

Well said.

I agree. What is it with trolly commenters, recently?

Oh my. Saying that his roll creeped me out and that I would have liked to see more from him is not hysterical. It's just a feeling, which people used to be able to share on this site without being called... hysterical. Not sure when all the trolls rolled in, but it's an unfortunate turn for the site.

I used to love LOVE Benicio del Toro (mostly from his Usual Suspects days), but seeing him in The Savages as a total misogynistic, wife-beating rapist really flipped a switch. I know he is an actor and it was just a role, but I would have liked to see him come out with a PSA or donation to a survivor org or

Yes, maybe it's not going to be this clear every election, but MAN do those percentages make me smile!!

I love this because (when I was much, much younger) I had a boyfriend who was so hopelessly obsessed with the other members of his rock band and their effortless rebel style. But they were the most contrived, self-conscious, destructive assholes I've ever known. (Eyeliner on a man is awesome, but it doesn't make him

Yessss - I just became aware of Marnie myself.

I know this isn't exactly on topic, but I really feel for Holly Petraeus. Everything about her (with an emphasis on her looks) called into question to determine if her husband was somehow justified in cheating. She seems like a righteous lady, too.

This is a great idea, and one I may use... But why oh why do so many of the examples have irritating and unnecessary apostrophes!? It's "The Smiths," not "The Smith's." This is one of most most deeply engrained pet peeves.