
The Bevers part about a container for her cheese was by far the best part of the episode for me.

I have haters?

I didn’t like Alanis when she was big. I didn’t like Alanis when I started feeling the first whiffs of nostalgia for my adolescence. I don’t even really care about Alanis now.  However, this is the worst of navel-gazing takes.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: No One Told Me It Would Be This Long Edition:

“Sit at Hilltop and look worriedly at Maggie.  Then inexplicably do Matrix kung fu, then more worried looks.”

He did, but his thick layers of dirt saved him.

That kid started to glow and became Dog.

“Jerry! Bring me more currency so that I may continue my noble quest!”
“But Your’ve already spent our entire budg—”

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Three Ninjas 5: Sewer Surfers Edition

It’s going to be something old because they’re obsessed with making everything look like time stopped after Night of the Living Dead.

Oh come now.  There’s no trope too worn out for TWD not to do seven or eight times.

All it takes is one.

I gave up trying to do that.  There’s nothing really to hear in the dialogue anyway.  I make up my own Daryl dialogue on the couch most nights.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Whisper In Ya Ear Edition:

I didn’t even think of that.  I’m sure it will stop an arrow or a bullet or grow teeth that will bite someone or something ridiculous.

Misery loves company!

Someone would have punched in by now.  And by someone, I mean everyone.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Back From the Dead Edition:

Sometimes nightmares come true.

My dad used to play this game when we had a Colecovision called Space Panic. Space Panic didn’t have a timer that counted down. Well, it did. it was just not a clock, it was an oxygen meter. Also, you had to dig holes to drop these little alien things to their death. Now those weren’t scary but the sounds they would