
Please fix the ad bar continuously popping up over your articles, guys.

The virus is airborne. If you’re in the same room, it kinda doesn’t really matter how far away you are.

Well, with your bad knee Ed Dabamash, you shouldn’t throw anybody.

Screw the haters above me. Your post-show recap is the one reason I still visit AVClub


This show is going for extra realism points to depict a blizzard like that in Georgia......during a decade long zombie apocalypse. It’s fucking hot in GA, y’all. Great, now I feel like SoylentGreen up in here.

I would stay with the show at least two more seasons if Dog was the one wearing the hat.

I signed on to this site to let you know I have enjoyed your posts more than the actual show for years now. 

They kept panning across the heads and I kept not having any clue what their names were.

“Only two episodes left! I hope nothing bad happens at the glorious fair!”

Once again, if it’s at The Kingdom, it’s certainly spelled “FAIRE”.

Have no fear, they got stories for years. Like Michonne becomes a robot... 

They cooked themselves up some kind of Flying Dumpster, and brought along the woman who worked at the dump.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

I’m sorry my description of five people being murdered was insufficiently cheery.

Truth be told, back in high school my friend found Top Gun at a retro game store and we fired it up thinking we’d all laugh at how hard it was to land the plane...and we all did it first try.