
The best part of this was that he didn’t understand what happened. We joked with him that he should send her a message but he refused because the weekend trial for Match was over.

Zombo wouldn’t be caught dead with this Hot Mess Express group

I should have.  Between that and The Girl of a Thousand Throwing Knives they had pretty good accuracy in the dark.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Presidents Day Sale Edition

At risk of making excuses for our Rotting Pumpkin in Chief, I think he is actually concerned about the violence because he’s deep down a giant baby. The kind that talks big and acts tough but the second he sees something he’s shook.

My brother, who is a much bigger fan of the show than I, wondered by rigor mortise hadn’t set in on Jesus yet. Because it would be some dark comedy for them to pull his body off of the horse to have his arms stuck straight out in front of him like an old timey zombie.

“... we respect our audience’s time too much to air it.”

Okay, this is really an Alien Vs. Predator kind of thing going on here.  I’m not taking a side.  I’m voting for Kodos.

I still don’t know why (aside from some apparent fetish for yiping) the dogs are always eaten by zombies.  It’s like they decide to make dogs somehow stupider than the main cast.

I meant that it was the middle of the night when he escaped and then he spent at least a few hours (it appeared to be mid morning) to actually leave.  I guess everyone in Alexandria gets a late start too.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: The Greatest Show on Earth (if You Pretend There Are No Other TV Shows) Edition:

I loved this game and was sliiiiiiiiiightly disappointed by Catalyst. First thing I did in both games though was to turn off the Runners Vision. It made it a lot more frantic trying to find out what to grab and where you could go when there weren’t BRIGHT RED BEACONS everywhere.

Since you just showed me that something I didn’t know prior to this, I shall thank you in the way of the internet.

This is starting to seem like there are Too Many Ghostbusters and will lead to a movie where it is Ghostbusters Vs. Ghostbusters Vs. Ghostbusters.

The episode about the TV critics must still sting.

The Walking Dead could only dream of having a hat with that much swag. That said, Eugene will probably have one and give a twenty minute thesaurus ramble about it ending with “...peak haberdashery.”

It’s not hate so much as it’s unbelievable laughter.  And hate.

I hope he leans so hard he throws the Earth off of its axis and everyone gets 10% sweatier.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Miserable and Mild Mid Season Finale Special Edition

Maybe it runs off of Daryl’s hair grease turned into a biofuel