
But your head of security who can sense tattoos hidden under gloves should be aware of some major development like that or else she’d be a pretty shitty head of security.

She took a bath to clean the mud off of her and then remembered how pretty she was so she got scared?  I don’t know, your guess is as good as mine here.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Whispering Whispers of Whispering Hills Edition:

They were way too bright.  Radioactive birds showing Daryl the circle of life.

I’m torn. On one hand, I love that scene because the Blues Brothers is amazing. But on the other, I feel bad they’re linked now.

I don’t mean stereotypically, I mean if I was trapped on this show and found a brick of cocaine (along with my old timey figurines in a cigar box because it’s TWD) i’d be snorting myself to heaven

They need to make the toy sweatier to truly be Rick.

I am at your service, sir or madam.

This is my favorite kind of comment.  I mean, I’m vain and proud so all attention is good but becoming a replacement for the show just makes me laugh.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Let’s Do The Time Warp Again Edition

It was called Crazy Rich Asians, so yes.

I give no shits about Star Trek, but I demand more Michelle Yeoh in everything. 

This was perhaps the funniest part of the episode to me.  Rick’s wandering around whimpering about getting back to his family but then has visitations from Ghost Shane (okay)  Ghost Hershel (also okay) and then RANDOM SASHA (because the actress said yes) but everyone part of his family (Laurie, Korl, Owl Girl, Judith)

They can’t be that edgy.  If they were really edgy I’d already be Scott Gimple’s assistant writer.

It does have a nice ring to it.

They have an animal killing thing on this show. I’m really surprised it survived.

But now I’m thinking it survived just so Judith could have a mini white horse to go along with her perfectly sized hat and Baby’s First Katana.

I haven’t played RDR2 yet, but my brother had horses that would inexplicably run off of cliffs in the first one.  I hope that happens again.

This show needs just more ghosts in general.  Rick’s First Horse Ghost, Ghost Merle, Ghost T-Dawg.

No worries.  We’re all in this shitshow together.

Soylent Green’s The Walking Dead Stray Observations: Tonight, We Bid Adieu to Rick Grimes, or Grimey, as He Liked to be Called: Edition