
Hey, just because he’s the President doesn’t mean he’s made of money! Do y’all know how much Yale costs?

True facts: Queen Elizabeth has sworn an oath before God she would be Queen until the day she dies. If her health stops her from doing engagements, she may allow Prince William to represent her, but she will never abdicate.

True, I feel like there’s an A-list and a B-list with the BRF. Those on the A-list can never leave and will never get away from it, those on the B-list have some press and it decreases the further they get away from the A-list. Right now the A-list is Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Prince William, Duchess Kate, and

Victoria had no political power and ignored her royal duties. Albert’s death was her excuse, but before he died she was basically pregnant non-stop for twenty years so she didn’t really do much then either. She was not a good monarch.

Yeah, but you’re still famous. Edward VIII was one of the first people ever targeted by paparazzi and abdicating only made it worse. Princess Diana had divorced Prince Charles and wasn’t technically a royal anymore when the paparazzi chased her to her death.

Victoria was an incredibly shitty monarch. She did basically nothing in the way of duties, allowed family feuds to get in the way of the basic functions of the monarchy, and openly played favorites with Prime Ministers and other politicians.

I feel like the show Catfish is doing good work educating people to insure stuff like this doesn’t happen.

He is milking this so hard in the hopes of getting a monopoly on the bigot vote. If Trump wasn’t running he might have a shot.

I vote for jail.

LMAO. I still kinda think they hate Obama more because he’s black and has a foreign name, but you make a good point about the fake murder list. That thing is still going around on the conservative blogosphere. It’s so funny because by any reasonable standard Bill and Hillary are total moderates, to the right of Obama

If Fox News is smart and cares about ratings, their goal should be Donald Trump as the nominee and their friend who makes frequent appearances on their shows and either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders ultimately becoming President. Because their ratings are higher with a Democrat in office; their viewers like

Actually, I think what he’s saying is all the women were Cosby’s mistresses in the past and when he got too old to have sex he dumped them and now they’re accusing him for revenge and/or money. It still doesn’t make sense.

How is any of what happened his wife’s fault? She’s not Dottie Sandusky, she left as soon as she found out. There’s no evidence she ever knew anything. And who gives a fuck if she was “living off him”, how other people divide their money in their own marriages is none of your damn business. You don’t know what she

That is tragic. They should’ve made 100, it was quality television.

Actually, the doll probably belongs to a child who carries it around with them everywhere and they needed to leave it in the car for wherever they were going so the kid strapped it in to the seat. When I watched my little cousin when she was around three or four she carried her bunny around with her everywhere and

My favorite arguments are:

The thing the media needs to understand is that everytime you “expose” Donald Trump and his supporters for being racist and sexist, his support base only gets larger. People aren’t supporting him in spite of his racism, they’re supporting him because of it. The fact that much of the criticism of Trump is coming from

I wonder if now you’ll have a problem with people going abroad to get knocked up with foreign sperm. Honestly, I can’t imagine any young man who’d want a kid tracking him down eighteen years later just because he donated sperm. So what you’re also going to get is a lot of narcissists with a weird impregnation fetish

I think this is a stunt to get a gofundme page and a commentating gig on Fox News. She wants to make bank like the bigoted pizza lady did.

This is the most boring fucking non-scandal I’ve seen in a while. Like, I’m a huge Bernie Sanders supporter and I don’t find Hillary particularly trustworthy but if there’s going to be a scandal can it at least be interesting? Like, did Anthony Weiner email her a dick pic when Huma was out of town? Are there emails