
If the LW refused to tell the husband about the sex afterward, it would not be a violation of consent. Consent is a process rather than a discrete event. Consent means that anyone is allowed to say no to something they’ve done before or something they previously promised to do. If the LW has sex with the wife, but

Kinks can definitely draw third parties into non-consensual interactions without cheating being involved. Voyeurs are an easy one. It’s not so strange that this situation would involve other layers of consent beyond just the sex.

What LW1 doesn’t want to accept is that by entering into this arrangement, he was, in fact, entering into a sexual relationship with the friend — one which has its own separate rules of consent. He went into this *thinking* he was only having sex with the wife, because the husband’s not in the room, but the couple is

use the voice memo app on your phone to record a long, detailed, insult-strewn message

I thought the headline meant they’d been able to use unaired footage to give us a Cy Tolliver cameo in the movie.

Historically, there are plenty of examples of armies razing a city so that others will surrender outright. Yes, the common people have very little power, but that isn’t the point. It is that everyone suffered. You stand against me, be you common, soldier or noble, and you will burn. That will spread, and (again,

YOu know what would have been a better ‘shocking moment’ for the show? If in the battle, Grey Worm or the Unsullied or the Dothraki or Drogon killed Jon and his men and any witnesses on her order. He is a traitor and threat to her throne. Killing him makes ruthless sense. Killing civilians while letting her enemies

Yup. It was very similar to the whole Sansa/Arya/Littlefinger storyline, when they tried to sell us that the sisters were at legitimate odds in order to pull an “oh SHIT” when their real intent was revealed. It made for a great surprise, but good storytelling? Absolutely not.

Sure, she wants to rule by fear. But how does bruning King’s Landing accomplish that? There’s no rational connection between her burning KL and some objective she wanted to achieve. KL had already surrendered, so burning them just proves she can’t be trusted and is literally insane. Her decision is actively harmful to

Now playing

Ah yes, our opinions about a television show have been fabricated to “misdirect” you, because I’m so “upset” by fucking game of thrones. I haven’t been emotionally invested in Game of Thrones since season 5, but I watch because I’m interested in what happens, the production values are great, and it’s such ac cultural

My prediction...

Any economist will tell you that your methodology is seriously flawed by not taking into account diminishing marginal utility. Even assuming the quality of the fries remains constant, your enjoyment of them will decrease with every subsequent test.

Indeed. Also, No Country For Old Men had to be true to its source material rather than being woven from whole cloth like most other Coen projects.

It was good to see more time for some of my favorite side players: Big Mike and Irene.

Wait they allow comments on Savage Love now?

This will end poorly. 

It’s so strange that people miss Disqus now. Back when we had Disqus, everyone hated it. It’s like George W. Bush vs. Donald Trump, if Disqus killed a million Middle Eastern civilians.

Found Nanette to be one of the best things I’ve watched in a long time. Definitely don’t go into it expecting a comedy special, though there are a few big laughs. Mostly, it’s a deconstruction of the form, and then a searing examination of herself and society. Totally caught me off guard, in the best possible way.

I wish this segment was filmed in The Hague though, surrounded by judges, juries and a microphone.

It would nice to mention which systems these games are available on at the end of each summary.

Yeah, I think you nailed it. Desperation is funny; despair is not funny.