
This is a consent question. If your friend consents to his wife having sex with other men on the condition that he hears about it afterwards—and hears about it from those other men—that condition has to be met for the sex she’s having with other men to be consensual.

It’s not a good film. But the soundtrack has a permanent space on my playlist.

“Destroying the largest and most prosperous city in the land is a good way to instill fear”. I’m not buying that. The populace doesn’t vote, it has absolutely no power and represents zero threath to Daenerys. They never had any relevance to the game of thrones by themselves, even the populist revolt of the High

You’re right about the comparison with the littlefinger plot. Except this time it’s more infuriating because it’s not about what they chose to show, it’s about what they had their characters do.

I think a lot of people misread that scene, thus the “she went mad because jon wouldn’t kiss her” meme. She’s talking about ruling by fear or ruling by love, and says Jon has the love of the people, while she only has fear. Then she tries to kiss him, and when he rejects her, she says “all right then, let it be fear”.

I seriously don´t understand this “rule by fear” argument. The scene with Jon Snow is about her realizing he’s not willing to marry her and share his legitimacy and popularity with her; therefore, her claim to the throne will always be contested and she’ll have to face possible traitors and rebellions. Those

Read the column again. I’m sure some people are angry because they wanted Daenerys to be the good guy and win the game, but all the serious criticism i’ve read is about the execution, not the character turn per se.

I approve ignoring Intolerable Cruelty

Terry Cavanagh’s Dicey Dungeons, an open work in progress. It’s been fun to see it mutate and improve version after version and to comment on the discord channel.

After watching the remix, I think there’s an additional factor: making characters miserable for a joke is funny, making them soul-crushingly miserable and lonely for years is depressing. Having such a long timeline might be one of the worst mistakes of the season. Maeby, squatting alone in the apartment, forgotten by

No Country For Old Men, “more straightforward works”, ¿really?

So Cooper changed history, but at leat one person (Preston) still remembers the previous version? Wierd.

It has 192 followers on Feedly. The dead feed has 17.000. Way to improve your reach with the redesign guys!

Taste of Cherry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, just as important, Richardson is no longer with us.

If it doesn't exist yet, I'm coining the term "real estate clickbait". Put some weird, spooky and/or pop-culture related shit on your house, take pictures, wait for it to go viral, hello prospective buyers!

Come on, nobody bet $1 on the "never-1" odd? The expected ROI is literally infinite! ¿What's the point of the season-long over/under bets about the number of episodes before something happens? It's irrational to bet on the over before the episode in question, if you can bet any time during the season. This game is

It's pretty obvious the joke was staged by the comedian.

And I'm free to criticize them for their choices, and you're free to criticize me for my position, etc, etc, etc. What's your point?

This. Yorke makes a scene of rebuking the straw man of an argument that they don't know what they're doing. Yeah, we get it, you're capable of making an informed moral choice. Dude, people are arguing you should reconsider that choice, how about addressing their arguments about that?