
Not a fan of the death penalty, but I can’t say I feel a whole lot of sympathy. The guy deserves a whole lot worse than he’s going to get, I just don’t think that this is a useful or productive way for our society to operate.

Who the fuck is “everyone who supports abortion rights” exactly? Nevermind that, you are completely ignoring the context, and how that phrase is differently in different situations. It’s almost as if you’re deliberately trying to dodge around the issue.

You’re coming across to me as a complete idiot. No one is stopping you from going and holding the hands of bigoted idiots and guiding them out of their willful ignorance. You can even lick their boots if you really like. On the other hand, if a person is so committed to their cookoo beliefs that they refuse to

I give up on that idiot. They have their head shoved so far up their ass that they honestly believe that calling out shitty behavior is just as bad, or worse than, the shitty behavior itself. Apparently, it is imperative that you be perfectly polite, 100% of the time, regardless of the bigotry and willful ignorance

She never said she thought it was immoral: she said she didn’t agree with it.

Yup. There are many things that we can all just agree to disagree on. Colors, favorite foods, music, movies, etc. Those things are just subjective (and largely unimportant) preferences.

You do understand that it’s possible to believe that a position is entirely wrong, immoral even, and still acknowledge that the other person has the right to believe wrong things? This American concept of freedom doesn’t mean “We are totally ok with literally anything”, it means we aren’t going to throw you in jail,

So let me get this straight:

Yeah, probably “H-list”, if we’re being nice. But technically a celebrity.

...I’m just as gay whether I’m dating a dude or not. I don’t any become less gay the moment I remove my dick from another guy’s asshole.

There was nothing respectful about what she said. On top of that, beliefs are not owed respect by default. Her style of ignorance had its chance, it failed...quite miserably.

That isn’t even remotely what she said. No one was asking if she was gay. No one invited her to a pride parade either. She was asked about a set of absurd and oppressive laws, and she decided to tell us about she considers homosexuality immoral. It doesn’t matter how nicely she phrased it, that’s what she said. And

Your post is literally the stupidest thing I have read all day.


unless you think all facts are a matter of opinion.

There’s nothing “respectful” about that position. Everything she said amounts to “I believe some really ignorant, odious, immoral, and frankly inexcusable bullshit. But I figure that if I say it nicely, people will look the other way.”

Wow. Those are some batshit crazy signs up there in the pic. “Pro-life” just doesn’t seem to be too in touch with reality. It’s a lot like the anti-gay crowd in that regard. All the secular arguments fall horribly flat upon examination. And all the religious arguments are, in addition to unsupported (and largely

It’s a blob of jello. There is nothing innovative or interesting about it. It certainly isn’t a “cake” of any sort. It’s nice to have food that looks neat. Nothing wrong with that, although this doesn’t really qualify. Unless of course you’re compromising on flavor. In which case, you are shit.

It’s funny how all the gun nut hyperbole always breaks down when confronted with....reality.
