
Rescue me from what? Your idiotic strawmen?

I’m about halfway to calling Poe’s Law on that one. But it appears to be a second wave feminist living up all the negative stereotypes of that group, and generally just being a condescending asshole, while completely failing to realize that they’re replying to the original post, as opposed to one of the earlier

If they actually gave a crap about being consistent with their “holy” books, the world would be a very different (though not necessarily better) place.’s probably just posturing. And the case sounds completely frivolous. This does seem like some pretty awful PR though.

Yeah...I mean I strongly preferred Sanders to Clinton, but there isn’t a chance in hell I’d vote for Trump over her. I don’t especially like or trust Clinton, but I’d prefer someone who at least goes through the motions for progressive causes, instead of pandering to Evangelical wackjobs.

...truly a loss for those of us who saw the law as something meant to protect women.

I’m still stuck on “most of satire comes down to imitating the thing you’re actually criticizing”. Apparently even that’s too offensive though?

Definitely one of his best actions as potus.

Just think of how furious Scalia’s ghost would be right now...

If you genuinely think that has anything to do with this, then I’m rather sad for you.

You just don’t understand. Actually breaking down another person’s statements to show what exactly about them was incorrect or morally objectionable takes effort. Cheap and formulaic ad hominems basically write themselves though.

You do understand that they’re making fun of those people, right? And not everyone feels the need to get all somber and halfway-apologetic on the topic of abortion, especially in the first trimester. It’s a clump of cells. It has no thoughts, feelings, personality, or sense of self.

There’s no emotional high quite like moral indignation?

That was the sarcastic one about this idea. Satire is hard, apparently.

Right? I didn’t think it was exactly comedic gold, but what exactly is the moral outrage(!) all about? It came across as a jab at that favorite strawman of the right’s, that women will “use abortion as birth control”. Which is absurd even before examining the evidence, because abortion literally is a form of birth

It’s pretty obvious that she’s really a Muslim.

It’s easy. You just have to ignore the religious ideas that you don’t personally agree with. Nothing new there, cherrypicking is just how religion works.

Yet you chose to base your entire argument on the presumption that they have more effective ways to spend their money? You don’t know either. Pretending otherwise is just hypocritical.

Such a pointless, cheap, and rather hypocritical shot. No one likes a sore winner.

So...the first one really sucked. Maybe it’s good if you’re into torture porn or something?